Articles in this Issue
Changing Culture
Editor's Note: This editorial originally appeared in "Chinese Culture: Continuity or Discontinuity?" (ChinaSource, 2010 Spring).
Lead Article
Convergence or Divergence?
Chinese Culture in a Globalized World
Japanese-American scholar Fukuyama introduced the notion of "the end of history," proporting that the world was now one and history should come to an end. Others have claimed that globalization has "leveled the playing field." And yet others view globalization quite differently. The real question is how we should view the changes in China's culture and its influence in light of the globalization of the economy during the last thirty years.
Supporting Article
Ethnic Relations in China with Special Reference to Its Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
The challenges of achieving the goal of integration for ethnic minorities in China and Hong Kong.
Supporting Article
Christianity’s Impact on Chinese Society
Is Christianity influencing China's culture?
View From the Wall
Higher Education in China Today
The Scene and the Backdrop
More Chinese young people are attending university than ever before. A look at the current situation in higher education and key contributing factors.
Peoples of China
Cultural Continuity and Discontinuity in Chinese Church Leadership
The shaping of Christian leaders in modern China.
Book Reviews
The Church in Henan
Henan: The Galilee of China (Volume 2 of the "Fire & Blood" series) by Paul Hattaway
Reviewed by Tony Lambert
Image credit: Drum Tower by Benjamin Jakabek, on Flickr
Brent Fulton
Brent Fulton is the founder of ChinaSource. Dr. Fulton served as the first president of ChinaSource until 2019. Prior to his service with ChinaSource, he served from 1995 to 2000 as the managing director of the Institute for Chinese Studies at Wheaton College. From 1987 to 1995 he served as founding …View Full Bio