Thank You, Dear Friend!
In June we made the bittersweet announcement that Narci Herr will be retiring at the end of August. Bittersweet because, while we are excited to see how our Father will lead Narci and her husband Glenn in the days ahead, we will soon be saying goodbye to our dear friend and ministry colleague who has been the ChinaSource Content Manager for the last ten years.
Narci leaves behind a legacy of responsible and balanced content management and editing as well as a passion for hearing as directly from the Chinese church as possible, while seeking to celebrate and represent the breadth and depth of the body of Christ in China and the diaspora. The ChinaSource content community she helped forge and led includes a network of more than two hundred relationships with contributors to ChinaSource publications from within China and across the world. Narci has also equipped ChinaSource with a proven editorial policy that will be a plumbline for the next generation of writers, editors and content managers, Lord willing.
While all of these contributions are vital and noteworthy, by far the most important heritage imparted to us by Narci has been her commitment to ask the Holy Spirit where he is leading and to seek the pre-eminence and glory of Jesus Christ in all that we do. We will seek to replicate her example to us in this area most of all.
And so, Narci, on behalf of the ChinaSource team, board of directors, the amazing network of ChinaSource advisors and writers, along with the many thousands of subscribers and readers through the years, thank you for faithfully serving our Lord Jesus Christ and seeking his glory, for helping the global church to hear and see the church in China more clearly, and for helping the people of God from the East and West to engage, collaborate and find his calling and purpose in service together!
Welcome Aboard, Andrea!
You may remember that last June we also asked for your prayers as we embarked on a search for the next ChinaSource Content Manager. The search, which was prayerfully and skillfully led by a like-minded HR consultant, resulted in the appointment of Andrea Lee who is a seasoned Content Manager with many years in the editorial field. She is called, experienced, gifted, and qualified to lead us in this crucial area. We are very thankful God led Andrea to us and that she is spending the month of August working with and learning from Narci and our Assistant Content Manager, Rachel Anderson.
We will soon introduce Andrea in this space to better acquaint you with her. For now, thank you for praying with us that God would lead us to the right person who is sensing the leading of God’s Spirit to this role, and welcome to ChinaSource, Andrea!
ChinaSource Connect Event: You’re Invited!
The ChinaSource team will be gathering for in-person meetings the week of August 28–September 1 in Los Angeles, California. On Thursday, August 31, we will be hosting a ChinaSource Connect event which will include worship, prayer, updates on what God is doing through his church in China, and more. Our Founder, Dr. Brent Fulton and Joann Pittman, Vice-President for China Engagement and Partnerships will be offering exciting reports of how God is bringing the global church together to serve and partner with the church in China. Please click here to find all the details and register. If you live in the Southern California area, we’d love for you to join us! Or, if you have like-minded friends or family in the area, please be sure to pass along our warm invitation!
Kerry Schottelkorb
Ways to Pray
- Please pray for Narci Herr as she will be leaving ChinaSource at month’s end. Pray for Narci and her husband Glenn as they follow Christ’s call into the next season of their lives together.
- Praise the Lord that Andrea Lee is our new ChinaSource Content Manager and joined the team on August 1. We are grateful that she will have a full month meeting the ChinaSource team and working alongside Narci Herr and our Assistant Content Manager, Rachel Anderson, before Narci retires on August 31.
- We’re also thanking the Lord for his guidance throughout the Content Manager search process, as we were connected with so many skilled and qualified applicants and friends of ChinaSource. We are hoping to stay in close touch with each of these good friends.
- Ask the Lord to bless the ChinaSource in-person team meetings in Los Angeles, August 28–September 1, as well as the ChinaSource Connect event which will take place on Thursday night, August 31. Please pray for oneness in team planning and for God’s blessing on a night of worship, prayer, encouragement, and fellowship at the Connect event. And if you’re in the area, please join us!
- Praise the Lord for new opportunities that Christ followers from China and around the world are encountering to meet, pray, and plan for ministry together, on a newer, more equal footing. Please see “New Opportunities as the Narrative Changes” by Lisa.
- Pray for expatriates who find ways to remain in or return to China. Even as the more public ways of offering the good news are closing, there are other open doors for planting gospel seeds. Please see “Impressions on Returning to Post-Covid China” by Swells in the Middle Kingdom for more context on how to pray.
News and Notes
In-Person Event
We are pleased to invite you to our first in-person ChinaSource Connect event since early 2020! Meet with us on August 31 at Mandarin Baptist Church of Los Angeles–Garfield Worship Center. We will look back with gratitude at what God has been doing in China and at the resilience of Chinese believers and foreign workers in a time of uncertainty. We will also look forward with anticipation at new opportunities to see God at work.
Mandarin Baptist Church of Los Angeles – Garfield Worship Center
210 North Garfield Avenue
Alhambra, CA 91801
Thurs, August 31
6–7pm Supper and fellowship
7–8:30pm Program
Register below for either supper and the program or just the program so we can have enough food for everyone. We look forward to meeting with both old and new friends!
ChinaSource Team News
- From July 25–29, Joann Pittman attended the Arise Asia conference as an observer and was very encouraged.
In Case You Missed It
A selection of recently published items:
- Gospel Power at Work in the Heart, ChinaSource Blog, August 14.
- Impressions on Returning to Post-Covid China, ChinaSource Blog, August 11.
- A Deserved Hearing, ChinaSource Blog, August 09.
- Meet the Missionaries Who Went to China, ChinaSource Blog, August 07.
- The Holy Spirit at Work in China’s Churches, ChinaSource Blog, August 04.
- New Opportunities as the Narrative Changes, ChinaSource Blog, August 02.
- A Summer Read to Enjoy Together, ChinaSource Blog, July 31.
- Chinese Mission at the Crossroads, ChinaSource Blog, July 28.
- Christianity Comes to China, ChinaSource Blog, July 26.
- The Benefits of Giving Face, ChinaSource Blog, July 24.
- Chinese Culture and Christianity: Diving into the Archives, ChinaSource Blog, July 21.
Image credit: Alana Harris via UnSplash.
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