from 2020

The Resource Library is where you will find the latest resources from across our publications.


A Survey of the Situation of Han Christian Churches and Christian Groups in Mainland China


The ten-part blog series, "God at Work: How the Church Grows in China," was based on church growth research done by Steve Z. This is the research paper, in both Chinese and English.


Tibetans in the Gyairong Region


This research report focuses on a Tibetan people group in the Gyairong region of Sichuan. The report covers the background of the people group and an account of one church’s involvement with them. It also includes a history of work among these people and lessons learned that can be helpful in bringing the gospel to them today.

Blog Entries

平安夜, Silent Night!

Sung by the Chicago Chinese Christian Chorale.


ZGBriefs | December 17, 2020

Is China About to Introduce a “Three-Child Policy”? (December 10, 2020, Radii China) Chinese authorities have made no secret of their desire for more babies in the country, but do the people really want them?

Blog Entries

Helping Chinese Families Prepare for Birth

Providing maternity care to Chinese women wherever they are.

The Lantern

We Begin by Waiting

December news from ChinaSource.

Chinese Church Voices

Hope in the Sunset Years

Those who have faith in God and hope in the Lord, even if they are in the twilight of their lives, shall not be worried or afraid, because God has promised that “they still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green."

Blog Entries

Gaining Perspective on the Chinese American Christian Diaspora

We are grateful to the contributors of the winter ChinaSource Quarterly for providing us the opportunity to be richly informed in such a crucial season. I hope we can all come to this reading as humble learners, challenged to seek, understand, and grow.

Blog Entries

A Calendar to Help You Pray for China

After a four year hiatus, the compilers of the Intercessors for China prayer calendar have a new printed version available for 2021 and beyond.


ZGBriefs | December 10, 2020

Pandemic fuels an RV boom in China (December 7, 2020, Inkstone News) People in China have been forced to enjoy domestic tourism because of the coronavirus pandemic. Many of them are turning to RVs to enjoy the road less traveled.