
Here you will find information about books written by the ChinaSource team and contributors.

ChinaSource Team


The Bells Are Not Silent

Stories of Church Bells in China

When Joann discovered a 150-year-old American bell hanging in a church in southwest China, she knew there was a story to tell. This book is a collection of stories about this and other bells from France, Germany, Russia and the United States. But more importantly, they are stories of God’s faithfulness to his church in China.


China’s Urban Christians

A Light That Cannot Be Hidden

China's Urban Christians: A Light That Cannot Be Hidden looks at how massive urbanization is redrawing not only the geographic and social landscape of China, but in the process is transforming China's growing church as well. 


Survival Chinese Lessons

This book contains 15 short lessons designed to give you just enough language learning to help you function in very basic situations. This is a must for travelers or those who are going to live in China and are looking for a way to get some of the basics. 

ChinaSource Contributors


Becoming Native to Win the Natives

Cross-Culturally Becoming All Things to All Men

Becoming Native to Win the Natives first looks at how we are to imitate Christ's love and humility to effectively love those to whom we are ministering. The book then covers many specific aspects of life abroad and how we can better live like the locals in many areas so that some may be saved.


Voices from the Past

This book makes it possible for today's Christians to benefit from the past experience of these missionary giants, such as Hudson Taylor, Timothy Richard, John Nevius, and William Milne. , Each of the included thirty quotations addresses a different aspect of cross-cultural missions in China.


Looming Transitions

Starting and Finishing Well in Cross-Cultural Service

Thinking through the process of transition beforehand can make all the difference between a smooth entry and/or re-entry, or a decidedly bumpy landing. Practical in nature, Looming Transitions is geared to help you to do just that.decidedly bumpy landing.


Christ-Centered Generosity

Global Perspectives on the Biblical Call to a Generous Life

The purpose of Christ-Centered Generosity is to be a primary resource for the global movement of biblical generosity. The book provides a theologically sound, biblically-based resource for Christian leaders, pastors, and the body of Christ on the theme of our call to be faithful stewards who live lives of generosity and joy.


The Steward Leader

Transforming People, Organizations and Communities

This is not a “how-to” book on leadership. It is a “who” book. Its thesis is based on the premise that without a clear understanding and commitment to the “who” of leadership, talking about the “how” will be unfulfilling, impossible to sustain and ultimately will do a disservice to the Christian leader.


Love, Amy

An Accidental Memoir Told in Newsletters from China

Amy tells her story of how she moved to China to teach English. She anticipated making cultural faux pas, trying new food, seeing God at work, and growing in her knowledge of language and culture. What she could not foresee was all of the adventures and hardships she would be asked to face. Join Amy, a natural storyteller, as she shares her life in China letter by letter.


The Rushing on of the Purposes of God

Christian Missions in Shanxi since 1876

This is the first complete account of Protestant missions in Shanxi Province, China. This book begins with the arrival of the Protestant missionaries during the 1878 North China Famine and the fiery test of the 1900 Boxer Uprising and subsequent martyrdom of hundreds of Shanxi Christians.


Wise Man from the East

Lit-sen Chang: Critique of Indigenous Theology; Critique of Humanism

Wise Man from the East: Lit-sen Chang, is the gathering together of two of Lit-sen Chang's publications, Critique of Indigenous Theology and Critique of Humanism, published here in English for the first time. These two essays provide excellent examples of his wide learning, insightful analysis, powerful writing, and firm commitment to historic Christianity.


Reaching Chinese Worldwide

Reaching Chinese Worldwide introduces the many ways in which Christians may communicate the truth and love of God in Christ to Chinese around the world. This nearly comprehensive survey contains both fundamental principles and practical suggestions useful for all those wanting to make a Christian impact on China.


Builders of the Chinese Church

Pioneer Missionaries and Chinese Christians

From 1807 to the 1920s, when a new phase of growth began, thousands of missionaries and Chinese Christians labored to lay the groundwork for a solid, healthy, and self-sustaining Chinese church. Builders of the Chinese Church contains the stories of nine of these leading pioneers.