Two years ago I had the privilege of leading a workshop on the church in China at The Gospel Coalition National Conference in Orlando. You can listen to it here.
The 2015 Conference starts today, and I will once again be representing ChinaSource, not by speaking, but by staffing a booth in the exhibitor hall.
Here’s a description of the conference from The Gospel Coalition (TGC) website:
GC's 2015 National Conference, Coming Home: New Heaven and New Earth, seeks to stir longing for our ultimate home in heaven as we explore the sweep of redemption from creation to consummation, Genesis to Revelation. Our plenary speakers will unfold the Bible's teaching on eschatology, a topic of burning importance today. Along with these nine plenary sessions we've planned more than 50 workshops and focus gatherings led by speakers addressing topics including evangelism, homosexuality, student ministry, sexual abuse, faith and work, and much more.
According to TGC, the numbers for this conference are impressive:
- 6000 attendees
- Attendees from all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia
- Attendees from 50 countries, including China
- Speakers from 31 countries
If you are at the conference, please stop by our booth to say hi and engage in some great conversations about what God is doing in China.
If you are not going to be there, but think the conference sounds interesting, fear not. All of the plenary sessions will be live-streamed for free at The conference begins today (Monday, April 13) at 1:00PM. Tim Keller will deliver the first plenary address, followed by John Piper and Don Carson.
There will be simultaneous Mandarin translations of all the plenary sessions, although I don’t know if those will be available on the live stream. They will, however, be posted to the conference site for later listening. When that happens, we’ll let you know and provide links.
If you are a Twitter user, the official hash-tag of the conference is #TGC15. You can follow that to keep track of what is going on. Be sure to follow the ChinaSource Twitter feed (@ChinaSourceOrg) for updates as well.
Image Credit: The Gospel Coalition Conference 2015

Joann Pittman
Joann Pittman is Vice President of Partnership and China Engagement and editor of ZGBriefs. Prior to joining ChinaSource, Joann spent 28 years working in China, as an English teacher, language student, program director, and cross-cultural trainer for organizations and businesses engaged in China. She has also taught Chinese at the University …View Full Bio
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