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A Few Good Podcasts

At least in the part of the world where I live (the “upper Midwest” of the United States), autumn is in the air. The leaves are changing color, the days are getting shorter, and pumpkin spice is beginning its slow takeover of culinary life.

What better way to enjoy autumn than curling up with that pumpkin spice [fill in the blank] and listening to a China-related podcast? Allow me to commend the following.

Lazlo Montgomery, host of the fantastic China History Podcast recently put up one titled “China Tripping: Experiencing the Everyday in the People’s Republic.” That’s also the title of what sounds like a delightful new book by Paul Pickowicz, Perry Link, and Jeremy Murray. It’s a collection of vignette stories by scholars and writers who have travelled in China for the past 30 years. Truth be told, as I was listening to it on a recent flight to Denver, I actually found myself getting inspired to write up more of my stories from “the old days.” The interview is divided into two different podcasts, both of which are worth your time and attention.

Another favorite podcast of mine is The Little Red Podcast, a product of the Department of Pacific Affairs at Australian National University. Hosted by Professor Graeme Smith and journalist Louisa Lim, the podcasts explores life “beyond the Beijing beltway.” On September 30, just as the PRC was gearing up for the big 70th anniversary party, they delved into Sino-US relations in a podcast titled “Big Bad China: A New Cold War?” Additionally, they have produced a number of in-depth and enlightening episodes about the events in Hong Kong.

China EconTalk (part of the Sinica podcast network) recently interviewed Peter Hessler, author of Rivertown, Oracle Bones, and Country Driving, (among others). After living in and writing about Egypt for a few years, he and his wife are back in China, living in Chengdu. In this podcast, he reflects on his time in both places, and how his experiences in China informed his experiences and observations in Europe. A fuller exploration can be found in his new book The Buried: An Archeology of the Egyptian Revolution

Finally, the China and Africa Podcast recently did one titled “Finding God on the Belt and Road. Kenyan Missionaries are Converting Chinese Migrant Workers.” It’s the story of how Jehovah’s Witnesses are reaching out to the Chinese diaspora in Kenya. It’s a great follow up to the ChinaSource Quarterly issue that we recently published about China and Africa.

Happy Listening!

Image credit: Pepper Mint from Pixabay.
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Joann Pittman

Joann Pittman

Joann Pittman is Vice President of Partnership and China Engagement and editor of ZGBriefs. Prior to joining ChinaSource, Joann spent 28 years working in China, as an English teacher, language student, program director, and cross-cultural trainer for organizations and businesses engaged in China. She has also taught Chinese at the University …View Full Bio

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