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Peoples of China

For Such a Time as This

Exploring the current trend of many Mainland youth to receive their education outside of China, the authors examine cultural and societal issues that can help us understand the situations and challenges these students face as they study in Western countries.

Blog Entries

It’s Easter. It’s Been a Long Time. Why Am I Still Hurting?

Because that’s how grief works. It is not just a once in a lifetime thing, it comes back at unexpected moments.

Blog Entries

For Such a Time as This in Real Time

Even as the world is facing the worst pandemic in a century, I believe the Lord has given ChinaSource an important calling to continue helping forge collaborative oneness in Christ between the church in China and the global church, while amplifying Chinese church voices and bringing understanding to the church in the West.

Blog Entries

7 Reasons Why Sinicization Is Not Rhetoric This Time

Isn't this just propaganda, empty threats, or show. Haven’t we seen similar programs rolled out in the past?

Chinese Church Voices

Responding in a Time of Testing

As Christians in China enter a "tumultuous time," a brother stresses the need for a peaceful stance towards authorities and the danger of spreading rumors.

Chinese Church Voices

Shenzhen Airport Prayer Room

Chinese Christians are thrilled that there is a prayer room in the new Shenzhen airport. 

For Such a Time as This

April 8, 2020 As COVID-19 spreads globally, we find ourselves in challenging times. While the louder global narrative is one of hopelessness, the more powerful storyline is that God is unifying his church for what we believe will be a great awakening in the midst of peril. As a ministry, we stand unwavering in our […]

Blog Entries

The Last Time the Cubs Won the World Series

So, what did Beijing look like the last time the Chicago Cubs won the World Series?

Blog Entries

As Time Goes by in Shanghai

A Film Review

Shanghai’s Peace Old Jazz Band is said to be "the oldest jazz band in the world.” The members of the bandaged between 65 and 87 years of age, have been playing together at Shanghai’s Peace Hotel nightly for over 30 years. This delightful documentary by German director, Uli Gaulke, features the six sprightly bandmates as they are invited to play at the North Sea Jazz Festival in Rotterdam, Netherlands—the biggest show of their careers! 

Chinese Church Voices

Handling Family Relationships at Holiday Time

One of the challenges facing those who come to faith in China is how to handle family relationships during the traditional holidays when they return home to be with family members who do not share their faith and may not accept it. In this article, published in the Christian Times just prior to the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday, a believer shares some thoughts on how Christians can handle the tensions that naturally arise during holiday visits.