Many people think that, due to security concerns, nothing of a spiritual nature can be said or done online in China. As always, when it comes to China, reality is quite a bit more complicated. Despite restrictions and an increasingly tight environment, there are still creative ways that Christians are using the internet for evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, and encouragement. In this webinar, we presented a picture of what God is doing through four different ministries involved in digital engagement.
We invited four speakers who have extensive knowledge and experience in this burgeoning field, all of whom are involved in developing innovative digital engagement strategies. Each one presented their work and resources, as well as tips on how to use digital engagement to minister to your Chinese friends. Following the presentations, there was time for questions.
Panelist Sean Cheng shared a list of internet Christian Resources in Chinese. That list can be found here.
Another resource he mentioned was the Internet Mission Forum.

Sean Cheng is Asia Editor of Christianity Today. He has been active in internet evangelism for 28 years using all kinds of media and platforms. He is the host of a YouTube channel, podcasts, and Twitter Space, and author of three books in Chinese. He has served the Chinese church as a Christian media worker and diaspora missionary for over 10 years.

Andrew Feng serves as the US Director for Indigitous which engages the next generation to use their marketplace skills beyond the four church walls. Andrew advises on global strategy related to faith and tech. He is exploring crowdsourcing missions via remote work. He aims to help young adults utilize their abilities to support the great commission. Andrew and his wife served in East Asia for five years where he pastored at an international fellowship and adopted their son with special needs.

Tsun-En Lu is the director of Discipleship Resource Center at Ambassadors for Christ, Inc. The organization equips and mobilizes Chinese immigrant churches to reach Chinese-speaking young intellectuals in North America. Tsun-En and his team are responsible for providing comprehensive, strategic, integrated, and accessible resources. They adopt a membership management strategy for micro-communities of the same target audience to connect and collaborate online and onsite.

Travis Todd is the East Asia Field Strategies Leader for Cru. He served in China from 1998 to 2020. Over the last year he has led the Cru staff to connect with over 30 million people in-country as they “win, build, and send.” His heart is in evangelism.