Blog Entries on Church and Society

Blog Entries

A Way Forward

“China’s Urban Churches Moving Forward” and other webinars from the Asia 2021 Congress.

Blog Entries

Grappling with Multiple Identities

When faced with various identities in a complicated world, how might Christians understand and respond to potential conflicts?

Blog Entries

Chinese Communist Party Centennial—Struggle and Flexibility

We must remember that the way the Party views itself is critical to how it interacts with its own populace, particularly to people belonging to faith communities rooted in belief systems beyond Marxist-Leninism. Most of all, we must remember we serve the Lord of Lords who will put all powers in their place before his feet.

Blog Entries

The Midwives of Egypt

I had never mentioned the account of the midwives in Egypt, nor did I have plans to do so. As the day unfolded, the woman’s story spread and the call was repeated, “Let us be like the midwives of Egypt.”

Blog Entries

The Puzzling Issue of Abandonment of Children with Disabilities

The situation of parents of disabled children in China is undoubtedly complicated, with a variety of factors at play.

Blog Entries

Prolife Work—an Entry Point for the Gospel

When people of faith are directly involved with people experiencing a crisis of faith, gospel ministry happens.

Blog Entries

Taking Ourselves (and the Gospel) Seriously

Many of the China stories told by Christians inside and outside China are uplifting accounts of faith, of changed lives, and loving communities. There is clearly a disconnect between these voices and those that have unfortunately become mainstream within some evangelical circles. When it comes to their rhetoric about China and the Chinese, it is time for these Christian leaders to take themselves, as well as the gospel, seriously.

Blog Entries

Online Event: The Vessel Overturned

Current Views on Hong Kong Christian Civic Life

Sociologist Lida Nedilsky will talk about the involvement of Catholics and Protestants in Hong Kong's civic life, and the impact this has had on churches in the city.

Blog Entries

Children’s Day and Other Sparks of a Prolife Movement in China

In 2013, I first learned of a campaign linking China’s June 1st national holiday— “Children’s Day,” to a call to treasure human life in the womb and to reject abortion.

Blog Entries

COVID-19: The Response of Faith

What repercussions will COVID-19 have on the church in China? Will we look back at the infectious spread of the gospel during this time? The same questions apply to the rest of the world. How is the church handling the development of the coronavirus as it spreads?