The Lantern

Sharing God’s Great Gift

As we have traveled across the USA, China, and parts of Asia this year we have heard words of thanks for how ChinaSource has helped people understand the changing situation in China. We’ve received donations with short notes thanking us for our work and publications. This feedback is very encouraging. We desire to help the church and Christians around the world better understand what God is doing through his people in China. We are often overwhelmed by the challenges and are thankful that our service has helped many to understand, to engage, and to partner with the church in China.

Recently we heard a Chinese pastor’s testimony. He had experienced a period of house arrest that went on for weeks. At one point he was angry at the injustice of the situation and complained and argued with those who were watching him. One of them was an older policeman who said to him, “At least you have your faith; what do I have?” In a moment this pastor’s anger subsided and he realized God had him there to be a witness to the great gift God has given us, the pearl of great price that is worth everything we have and more.

At this time of year, as we celebrate Jesus’ first advent, we reflect on what God has done in history for us. Even in secular China, walking through busy shopping malls or airport terminals, you hear familiar Christmas music such as “Joy to the world, the Lord has come”—a good reminder of the good news that is for all people.

Even with the remarkable growth of the church in China there are still many who have yet to realize who God is and what he has done for them. Joann Pittman, senior vice president of ChinaSource, recently spoke about China at a conference on unreached people where over 300 groups in China were listed as still unreached.

This month the winter issue of ChinaSource Quarterly on teaching in China marks the completion of 20 years of publication. Julia Grosser has worked on the Quarterly from the beginning and shared some of her experiences in a recent blog. And now we are already hard at work developing the topics for 2019 as we begin our third decade of exploring God’s grace and work in and through the church in China.

Be sure to check out the opportunities to volunteer and/or work on the ChinaSource team listed below. We will be updating this every month as we  look for people whose hearts lead them to serve in what God is doing in China and who have the skills needed to carry out our mission. We are praying that God will provide the people and skills we need for our team.

We know many of our supporters give generously during the last month of the year. We receive almost one third of our annual budget in this one month. We are praying for $134,375 to meet our budget. Pray with us for God to provide, and help if you are able.

As we end this year we remember the words of that old Chinese policeman, “At least you have faith.” and think of what he and others could have if they knew Jesus. While we celebrate Christmas, we hope that in the new year more of the people of China will have an opportunity to know God.

We appreciate your interest, prayer, and support as we engage more deeply with the church in China. We trust our efforts will result in greater impact for all those involved with China.

He is faithful,

Your friends at ChinaSource

Opportunities to Serve

Donor Relations Manager
  • Responsible for developing and implementing donor engagement strategies.
  • Support existing ChinaSource donors.
  • Work with ChinaSource leaders and board members for new donor development.

IT/Salesforce Project Manager
(volunteer or part-time)

In 2019 we have several projects to upgrade our Salesforce CRM system. A project manager is needed to oversee these projects.

To inquire, please contact

News and Notes

ChinaSource Quarterly, 2018 Winter Issue

Teaching in China, guest edited by George King

In his editorial, guest editor George King summarized the articles in the winter issue of ChinaSource Quarterly and then wrote:

From these diverse sources, a picture of effective, expatriate, Christian teachers emerges: rooted in professional knowledge, skills and approaches; seeking to contribute to the good of their schools and colleagues as well as their students; prepared to be there long-term; caring for individuals; willing to be learners themselves. From this foundation, being “the salt of the earth” and “light of the world” can emerge naturally, with powerful effect and surprising opportunities, whatever developments may come in the political and social environment.

Go to “Teaching in China” to read the full issue or download the pdf version.

Staff News

  • On December 3 Joann Pittman spoke to the board and a task force group at the Finishing The Task conference in Lake Forest, CA. 
  • Joann Pittman was interviewed on “His People” over the Pilgrim Radio Network on December 7. You can listen to it on their site.  

Ways to Pray

  • Pray for Chinese believers who face increased pressure but also increased opportunities as uncertainties increase in China.
  • Pray for international mission leaders as they contemplate how best to serve with the church in China in the midst of so many new restrictions.
  • Ask God to provide the needed funding to finish the year well.
  • Pray for wisdom for the search committee as they contact potential new leaders for ChinaSource
  • Pray for Brent and Jasmine Fulton as they are into the third month of his sabbatical. Brent recently reflected on focusing on being in Christ as opposed to doing. May God richly bless this time for Brent and Jasmine.

From the ChinaSource Quarterly on “Teaching in China.”

  • Pray for expatriate teachers in China as they seek to balance professionalism with their Christian witness.
  • Pray for teachers in China as they struggle with two very different worldviews that present opposite values but also complement one another and provide opportunities for learning and growth.
  • Pray for the Chinese teachers who are heads of departments in which foreign teachers instruct. Pray they will be open to work with foreign teachers in a variety of ways.
  • Pray for Christian expatriate teachers in China today as they are being watched more closely and need discernment and wisdom to influence others for Christ.
  • Pray that teachers are able to share the good news of Christmas with their students and colleagues in appropriate and effective ways.

 In Case You Missed It

A selection of recently published items:

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Image credit: Asian Lantern in the Snow by Steve Webel via Flickr.
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ChinaSource Team

ChinaSource Team

Written, translated, or edited by members of the ChinaSource staff.          View Full Bio

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