Blog Entries in Looking Back
Serving a New Generation
The challenge going forward is to rethink what it means to serve in this new era.
A Better and Broader Understanding of China
Our lives have been transformed by China and ChinaSource has played a major role.
Looking Back on an Emerging Missions Movement
Understanding “Back to Jerusalem,” one of the roots of today’s missions movement from China.
A Pivotal Decade
Writing in 2001, Dr. Carol Lee Hamrin anticipated the major milestones in a decade—the 2000s— that in many ways served as a defining period for China.
A Long Journey in the Same Direction with ChinaSource
I am a ChinaSource junkie! Since the early days of the China Challenge events I was hooked.
Returnees and the Church in China
What we need is the word of God’s grace, which is more than able to ensure that returnees not only survive, but thrive, as committed members of churches back in China.
My ChinaSource Story
I met Dr. Brent Fulton in the spring of 2008 at a ChinaSource consultation in Shenzhen.
In an Ever-Changing China, Some Things Haven’t Changed
As ChinaSource celebrates 20 years of service we are digging into our archives for articles chronicling the myriad far-reaching changes in China during the past two decades.
The Lenses of History
The latest edition of the ChinaSource Quarterly explores the awareness (or lack thereof) Chinese Christians have regarding the history of Christianity in China, and how history influences the church today. This was not the first time we devoted a Quarterly to the issue of history. In the 2002 spring edition of the ChinaSource Quarterly (known at the time as the ChinaSource journal), we explored the question of how history influences the present in China.