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Blog Entries

Exploring the Academic Field of Chinese Christianity

When the academy and the field work together, a mutually enriching process of action and reflection emerges that strengthens mind, body, and spirit, both as individuals and as a community.


ZGBriefs | October 14, 2021

Changing China: How Xi's 'common prosperity' may impact the world (October 9, 2021, BBC) One of the most visible consequences of common prosperity has been the refocusing of corporate China's priorities to the domestic market.

Blog Entries

Glory to God All the Earth

Songs of the St. Louis Jesuits in Chinese

Worship music in Chinese to strengthen and encourage your soul.

Blog Entries

From the Middle East to the Middle Kingdom (7)

Hui and the Cultural Revolution

With the loss of their religious meetings, their halal food, and their freedom to run small businesses, some felt there was nothing left of their Hui identity. But others took another approach.

Chinese Church Voices

A Repentance Story

Testimony of a Post-90s Preacher

Young adults in China struggle with many of the same issues their counterparts in other parts of the world face. Here a young man tells of his desire to live his own life and find a well-paid, respected career. Seven years of wandering prepared his heart to respond to the gospel.

Blog Entries

Real Relations and Real Connections

A Reader Responds to the Autumn CSQ

Whether campus ministry continues to happen primarily online, changes back to in-person, or becomes a hybrid version of the two, building relationships with students is key for the development of campus ministry.

The Lantern

Five Items of Counsel

October news from ChinaSource.


ZGBriefs | October 21, 2021

Things Confucius Never Said (October 16, 2021, Sixth Tone) But the sayings quoted by your teacher, grandma, and “spiritual” friends may well never have actually been uttered by Confucius; or if they were, they could have been wildly misrepresented since his death.

Blog Entries

Public Lecture: Chinese Christians and the Path to Liberal Modernity in China

Join us in person or online for the autumn lecture in our ongoing, joint series.

Blog Entries

John Song—A Fruitful Returnee

A Reader Responds to the Autumn CSQ

Remembering Song’s story, and others mentioned by Stacey Bieler in the autumn issue of CSQ, helps motivate me to press ahead despite the pandemic and other challenges. One life can impact so many others!