Tag: Webinars
Meet the Missionaries Who Went to China
ChinaSource Summer School Session 3
God works through the lives of individual believers to spread the gospel and fulfill the great commission. In this post, we have rounded up several posts that look at multiple important missionaries from the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Webinar Video: WeChatting to the Glory of God
At our May 31 webinar, we featured four ministry leaders who have years of experience as evangelists in a digital environment. They told encouraging stories about how God is working through technology in China and the Chinese diaspora.
Examining Patterns in Chinese Religiosity
Reflecting on “Chinese Christianity in the Modern Era” (2)
Chinese religiosity’s orientation toward cultivating the goodness of human nature in the everyday, societal, and cosmic spheres of life can be found in the diverse threads that make up modern Chinese Christian movements.
A Lived Theology Approach to “Seeing” the Chinese Church
Reflecting on “Chinese Christianity in the Modern Era” (1)
To begin this reflective series based on the webinar, “Chinese Christianity in the Modern Era," we consider what it means to see the whole of the Chinese church and what theological lenses are needed to make sense of what we see.
Webinar Recording: “Where Are the Churches in China? And Why?”
The recording of this recent lecture is now available along with additional resources.
Where Are the Churches in China? And Why?
Geographical Patterns of Church Development
When thinking about missions, we don’t always consider geography, yet the five official religions in China are very geographically concentrated. Dr Fenggang Yang will discuss this in detail in an upcoming lecture.
Free Webinar: Where Are the Churches in China? And Why?
In this lecture, Professor Yang will present the geographical distribution of Catholic and Protestant churches in China, discuss several characteristics, and trace some of the historical and social patterns of church development.
Webinar Recording: Chinese Christianity in the Modern Era
In his April 7 webinar, Dr. Easten Law provided a historical overview of the different threads running through Chinese Christianity’s modern development, including themes of folk religiosity and healing, ethical living, familial belonging, and national salvation. What can these historical themes tell us about the church’s role amidst China’s current inward, nationalistic turn and how should we orient ourselves in response?
Chinese Christianity in the Modern Era: A Webinar
Making Sense of the Present in Light of the Past
In this webinar, Dr. Easten Law will provide a historical overview of the different threads running through Chinese Christianity’s modern development including themes of folk religiosity and healing, ethical living, familial belonging, and national salvation.
Chinese Christianity in the Modern Era
Making Sense of the Present in Light of the Past
In this webinar, Dr. Easten Law provided a historical overview of the different threads running through Chinese Christianity’s modern development, including themes of folk religiosity and healing, ethical living, familial belonging, and national salvation. What can these historical themes tell us about the church’s role amidst China’s current inward, nationalistic turn and how should we orient ourselves in response?