Tag: Unreached Peoples
What’s the Finish Line of the Great Commission?
The finish line of the Great Commission is not merely evangelism or church planting; it is to bring about the obedience of faith among all peoples, resulting in healthy, biblical, local churches that display the glory of Christ in their communities and beyond.
Reaching the New Unreached
Sharing the Gospel with the LGBTQ Community through Love and Companionship
The LGBTQ community is the new unreached people group. Learn from Jesus to enter their community with companionship and share the gospel with them.
Far from Our Eyes, Close to God’s Heart
Renewing Our Mission to the Unreached
That deepening understanding of his mercy towards us will stir our hearts to do whatever we can, out of love for Christ, to see those held captive to pride and unbelief turn to him.
Just Listen
“If the… global body of Christ can be there and say, ‘We are together here with you. I have my struggles, and you have your struggles, but we are together, praying to God together and seeking his guidance and help together,’…that can be very comforting and can be an encouragement.”
Supporting Article
Lives Transformed and Treasured
Serving with an unreached people group, the author focuses on the wisdom needed as she and her family served these people. She gives examples of women whose lives were transformed and explains how, over time, that happened.
From Every Tribe and Language and People and Nation
Tools in English and Chinese for praying for unreached people groups.
The Relational Journey of Indigenous Ministry
Questions for those who are working themselves out of a job, or for those who should be . . .
3 Questions: David Joannes
A ChinaSource 3 Questions interview with David Joannes, president and founder of Within Reach Global and author of The Space between Memories.
Peoples of China
Technology and Unreached Peoples
Will the technological advances taking place in China effectively bring the good news to the unreached peoples of China?