Tag: University Students
Faith Passed Down, Faith Made Personal
A Gen-Z Believer’s Spiritual Journey
I was born in a Christian family and my grandma is a faithful Christian. She likes reading the Bible in the afternoon even though she only has a primary school education. At that age, I couldn’t understand what this meant to me, but seeds of faith were planted in my heart though I didn’t know it yet.
In the Fire, Yet Unburned: A Journey of Faith in Adversity
I no longer wallowed in self-pity as a piece of wild grass because such grass is also created by God and loved by God.
Come and See: Welcoming 50,000 Youth
China is creating the avenues for people-to-people, education, and cultural exchanges. Christians should be among the first to respond to openings like this.
Five Observations from a Week in China
Even though I have been keenly aware of the immense changes that have taken place in China over the past few years, what I saw and experienced was more was more familiar to me than different.
The Price of Discipleship
In the face of adversity, we were asked a profound question: Are we willing to pay the price to follow Jesus? This period of persecution became a crucible, testing our faith and convictions.
On Being Present for Hungry Hearts
[The young man] said that about a third of his contemporaries were interested in anything to do with the West, a third were staying with the Party to make sure of a stable future in China and a third, in his words, were “looking for God.”
A Tsinghua University Mathematician Finds Rest in Christ
I will never forget my parent’s exhortation as I left for Beijing: “Your parents and siblings will sometimes leave; only Jesus does not leave. . . . Regardless of where you end up, never forget Jesus. He is our family’s savior.” Even though by then my heart was already far from God, my parents’ words gave [me] a thread of comfort.
Opening the Eyes of My Heart
I was once lost but was bought by God at great price. I had been a confused Christian for many years, and there was no change in my life until God opened my spiritual eyes and made me see.
One Who Waited for “Godot” but Found God
The next year went as hoped. I entered Peking University, and my father’s dreams were fulfilled. But the excitement was short-lived. Very quickly, my heart was restless again: What should my next step be? Take classes, join student organizations, make friends. . . My heart felt hollow.
Prepared in Advance
God is not limited, and we can trust that he is still working, in advance, in the hearts of those we meet on our campuses.