Tag: Theology
A New Dawn for Chinese Theology: The Inauguration of the IASCC and the Biola Research Initiative for Chinese Theology
On November 14, 2024, nearly 200 Chinese pastors, church leaders, theologians, and educators from around the world gathered at the picturesque Biola University. Together, they celebrated the historic establishment of the Institute for Advanced Studies of Chinese Christianity (IASCC) and the Biola Research Initiative for Chinese Theology.
Do Chinese Christians Still Need to Study Theology Abroad in the Online Learning Era?
After a 12-year study experience abroad (4 years at a Christian university and 8 years in seminary), I have some insights and reflections on studying theology abroad. For most Christians and pastors, I believe that it is no longer necessary to spend four years studying theology abroad.
The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind and Chinese Christianity
Without a thorough understanding of American evangelicalism and how it was conceived within a specific historical context, Chinese Christianity could be prone to "imitating blindly," which could lead to "maladjustment" and "malnutrition," hindering its healthy growth and development in the future.
Who Am I
The quest for identity resonated universally. From existential ponderings to spiritual revelations, it echoes through time, inviting souls to rediscover their essence in harmonious communion with the divine, others and the creation.
神学词汇—A Tool for Translators
I conferred with others …about the idea of creating a free website designed to help translators of theological materials have a common resource from which to determine the best translation of theological terms and names. Ten years later, Shenxuecihui.com came online.
We are awakened and attuned with the universe that resonates with the sound, fragrance, and power of God’s creativity. Then our hearts may be in sync with the heartbeat of God, and we are able to receive the outpouring of divine love and creativity through creation.
Book Reviews
Chinese Theology for English-Language Readers
A review of A Reader in Chinese Theology edited by Chloë Starr, the best reader on Chinese theology available in English.
Poetry as Doxology
"Where Are You Going"
Poetry is not only a form of cultural exegesis, but also a mode of common theology enriching conversations and reflections. When poetry is spiritually impregnated, it becomes a form of doxology, which I regard as the ground of all theology and missiology.
An Aesthetic Dance: When the Poet Haizi Meets with Jesus
It was a strong resonance with Haizi’s profound search for homecoming and the “violent extremeness” (冲击极限) of death that led me to walk again with this poet.... This time, however, the journey is alongside the path of Jesus on his way home in Luke’s gospel.
A Lived Theology Approach to “Seeing” the Chinese Church
Reflecting on “Chinese Christianity in the Modern Era” (1)
To begin this reflective series based on the webinar, “Chinese Christianity in the Modern Era," we consider what it means to see the whole of the Chinese church and what theological lenses are needed to make sense of what we see.