Tag: Thanksgiving

Blog Entries


As we prepare for Thanksgiving Day celebrations here in the United States, I’ve been thinking about expressions of thanks in Chinese culture and language. The most common way of expressing thanks in Chinese is xie xie (谢谢). But there is another word: gan’en (感恩). I love that en means “grace.”

Blog Entries

Can Others Tell?

As Chinese New Year approaches, Barbara Kindschi shares memories of holidays in China from years past and invites us to remember our Chinese brothers and sisters in prayer, using some recent ChinaSource articles as guides.

Blog Entries

Thank You, Father! Thank You, Dad!

Being thankful and saying thank you is important any time of year. Certainly in this Thanksgiving season I want to say thank you to the ChinaSource community for your friendship, love, and sacrificial involvement together with us.

Blog Entries

Giving Thanks in the Darkness

This thanksgiving glimmers with the hope that our engagement will help to complete the story…about what China is becoming. But what happens when we ourselves are the ones in need, with neither the opportunities nor the means to enter into the story in the way we thought we were supposed to?

Chinese Church Voices

A Jilin Church Gives Thanks

Giving thanks through dance, song, praise, testimony, drama, and the preaching of the Word.

Blog Entries

Remembering My First Thanksgiving in China

Isn’t that like God? To take something small and insignificant and use it. And so it will be for you. This year you may need to be reminded, not of an American holiday, but of China and people you no longer get to live and serve with.

Chinese Church Voices

Giving Thanks in a Difficult Season

We thank him, not because of the blessings we receive from him, but because of who he is at all times.

Chinese Church Voices

Giving Thanks in a Shaanxi Church

As people in America were celebrating Thanksgiving last week, a church in Shaanxi province held its 14th annual Thanksgiving service. China Christian Daily tells how they celebrated.

Blog Entries

Celebrating a Different Thanksgiving

I thought about those Thanksgivings this year as we contemplate the prospect of a very different Thanksgiving. Covid-19 might prevent us from having the usual gatherings of family or friends; the food may be different. Maybe this is the year to stop and tell a few people that we are thankful for them. And to thank God for them.

Blog Entries

Unwrap the Gift

A Thanksgiving letter.