Tag: Spring Festival

Blog Entries

Opportunities and Challenges During Chinese New Year

How should Chinese Christians celebrate Chinese New Year? What’s the best way to live out the gospel during the celebrations? A pastor from mainland China reflects on these questions.

Blog Entries

Red Packets and Grace

Happy New Year!

May you and your families have a grace-filled new year.

Chinese Church Voices

Churches in China Prepare for the New Year

The first day of the Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, is next week. Churches in China have been busy preparing for the holiday. These two articles from China Christian Daily tell of three churches that prepared and distributed free New Year couplets to bless their congregations and proclaim God’s love.

Chinese Church Voices

“Forced Marriage” and Spring Festival

A Christian Film Maker Explores the Pressure on Young People

An interview with Christian film maker Geng Haiying about his recently released documentary highlighting the problem of “forced marriages” in Chinese society today.

Chinese Church Voices

China’s Churches Celebrating the New Year

With the Covid-19 restrictions in place during the Spring Festival this year, how did China’s churches celebrate? China Christian Daily gives us glimpse of what the holiday was like for some churches in China.

Blog Entries

Where Did They Get That Idea?

Eploring the parallels of two different New Year celebrations.

Blog Entries

Happy Chinese New Year! 新年快乐!

Wherever you are this Spring Festival, may it be a special time for you with family and friends.

Chinese Church Voices

What to Take Home for the New Year

As Chinese Christians flock home for the New Year, Pastor Cheng Fengsheng encourages them to bring the most important gift of all.

Chinese Church Voices

As the Migration Pendulum Swings

Challenges Faced by Rural and Urban Churches

The temporary shift of church members from urban to rural and back to urban again during the Chinese New Year causes a Chinese Christian to reflect on the long-term challanges of China's urban migration.