Tag: Singles in China
The Ministry of Women in the Chinese Church
A reader responds to the spring issue of CSQ with insightful observations and questions.
Supporting Article
Single Women Ministering in China
The author looks briefly at pertinent facts regarding a woman’s role in China, in the church, and for single women serving in the church. She details seven motivating factors that keep single women active in ministry.
Waiting Is Better Than Trying to Jump over a Wall
Depending on the statistics you find, roughly 70% of the church in China is female. This leaves an obvious problem: In a nation where such a small percentage of males are Christian, where does this leave the young, unmarried Chinese woman? Aside from the obvious question of whether or not to marry an unbeliever, there are questions much more subtle and often overlooked regarding how one should see this issue in light of their walk with God. In this revealing article, published in the online magazine Territory, one millennial shares how a broken relationship led to a revelation of something much deeper that was amiss in her own life, and how things began to change once her eyes were opened.
Single and Married Christians Relating to One Another
The blog Building Healthy Families recently posted a short piece about the importance of single and married Christians of the opposite sex setting boundaries in how they relate to one another.