Tag: Silk Road
The Long History of Government Oversight and China’s Church
When [Church of the East] missionaries arrived in the Chinese capital of Chang’an in 635, they understood that Christianity in the Middle Kingdom required government approval…The application was successful, and a government edict allowed the new Luminous Teaching, as it called itself, to be spread in all China, including the building of a church in the capital city.
No Need to Pack for a Dream Trip to China
Travel to China may be difficult, but we can still dream. If you could pick six Chinese cities to visit, where would you go?
Cities on the Silk Road
A look at the cities of the ancient Silk Road today—the cities of the "One Belt, One Road initiative.
One Belt, One Road, One Mission?
Current presentations and discussions about China’s emerging cross-cultural mission movement often make reference to “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR), the Chinese government’s push to develop infrastructure and industry along China’s former silk route.
When All Roads Lead to Beijing
China’s foreign policy under Xi Jinping has witnessed a significant shift. Formerly focused on China’s relationship with the world’s major powers, China’s leaders are now redirecting their attention to relations with the nations around China, as well as to those nations beyond with which China seeks to develop closer economic ties.