Tag: Service Ministry
Extending Blessings
Leveraging Proper Channels for Impact
When the officials find that the service satisfies their interest, they would even introduce us to connect with some other channels which we can leverage to multiply our impact.
Navigating Faith and Governance
Lessons from Daniel for Modern Non-Profits in China
Daniel's wholehearted sincerity and purity made him distinguishable among all officials. This purity of Christ's love in our hearts can also make our non-profit organizations stand out, even under governmental restrictions.
Social Service Ministry in China
While social service has long been part of missionary work in mainland China, today a host of different factors are driving Chinese Christians to explore for themselves the place of humanitarian concerns within gospel ministry. For a growing number of local Christians, loving one’s neighbor through acts of service is rapidly becoming an indispensable aspect of Christian witness. This essay will first explore the role of social service in the history of mission in China before analyzing its place in the ministry of the contemporary Chinese church.
A T-Shirt Witness in China
Christians in China are not always as hidden as you might think. A Christian volunteer group in northern China is out serving the public wearing t-shirts that read, “Jesus Loves You.” How is such a thing possible in China today?