Tag: Seminary Education
Do Chinese Christians Still Need to Study Theology Abroad in the Online Learning Era?
After a 12-year study experience abroad (4 years at a Christian university and 8 years in seminary), I have some insights and reflections on studying theology abroad. For most Christians and pastors, I believe that it is no longer necessary to spend four years studying theology abroad.
A Chinese Model of Theological Education?
Our brothers and sisters from China have plenty of passion and new inspiration for theological training, and their passion and energy are about to burst. When a new, Chinese way of doing theological training is coming on the horizon, are you there to cheer Chinese Christians on and walk with them shoulder to shoulder?
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Europe: A Missionary Field or Mission Force?
Europe's Chinese churches need ministers just as much as each European country needs them. Although Europe was once one of the most active regions for sending missionaries, even as recently as the early twentieth century, it has now become a mission field requiring support and prayer from various missionary organizations and churches worldwide.
Keeping Pace in Our Digital Age
In 2023, over five billion people use the internet, emphasizing the global shift to digital spaces. ChinaSource Quarterly explores digital strategies and evangelism opportunities.
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Online Theological Training
Forty Years of Growth of Liangyou Theological Seminary
From a radio program to a fully online seminary, Liangyou Seminary has been a key institution for training and equipping pastors and leaders in China. Luke Cheng walks us through the seminary’s forty-year history, showcasing the ingenuity and perseverance necessary to get biblical training to China’s believers.
Church Development and Theological Education
Doubtless the vigorous development of theological education since the 1990s is one of the important evidences of the growth of Christianity in China. Besides reflecting the growth of the church, it was itself a factor in the further expansion of the church.
A Brief Look at Leadership Structure in Urban Registered Churches
Who leads China's registered churches and how do they become leaders?
Realistic Advice for Seminary Grads
Pastor Chen Shengfeng pours a “bucket of cold water” on zealous and idealistic seminary graduates entering ministry.
Why Don’t Chinese Pastors Write Books?
Theological books and resources from the West are widely available in China today and have become increasingly popular. What the Chinese church lacks, however, are books written by Chinese pastors and theologians. In the article below, originally published in Gospel Times, a pastor gives his thoughts on why Chinese pastors don’t write books.