Tag: Religious Policy
Will History Repeat Itself?
Whether a century ago or today, whatever our China stories may purport to tell us about being apolitical, of “leaving our politics at the door” or “staying out of politics,” one of the hard lessons of history is that foreign Christian involvement in China is unavoidably political.
Internet Regulations Six Months On
Due to the licensing and real-name requirements, these regulations… certainly make it more difficult for individuals and unregistered churches to put religious content online.
Raising the Walls of the Sandbox
As churches in China experience continued tightening, it’s worth considering the wider context of the measures and what their broader purpose is.
Sorting Rumor from Fact?
Look for the Red Chop
Distinguishing facts from rumors is never an easy endeavor, but it is even more difficult in China, where official information is often lacking.
Get Back in the Sandbox!
Is Christianity being singled out for pressure, harassment, and restriction. Or is part of something bigger?
A “New” New Normal?
Management of religious affairs will be shifted from, SARA to the United Front Work Department—what questions should we be asking?
When the Police Come Knocking
A Guide for Churches
Guidelines for pastors and church staff on how the church should respond to government intervention, including what to do when the police come knocking at your door.
Persecution or Potential?
The voice of one of many Chinese Christians who are calling for believers to step into the NGO space as a means of extending the church’s witness in society and establishing its credibility in the eyes of the government.
7 Trends: Why You Need to Pay Attention
The lines for foreign involvement in China are being redrawn, it seems, on an almost daily basis. Being aware of this changing environment is crucial for those who seek to remain relevant.