Tag: Relationships

Chinese Church Voices

Single and Married Christians Relating to One Another

The blog Building Healthy Families recently posted a short piece about the importance of single and married Christians of the opposite sex setting boundaries in how they relate to one another.

Chinese Church Voices

A Life that Belongs in Heaven

One issue for younger Christians in China is where to turn for good teaching on issues related to relationships and marriage. Because there are fewer Christians in the generation that preceded them, there are few role models. Therefore, the need for resources and training for the Chinese church in this area is great.

One man who is speaking to this need is Yuan Datong (Andrew Yuan), a Christian marriage counselor who conducts marriage workshops in churches all over the country. He has also authored a number of books on the subject, including Marriage: A Covenant for Life.

Chinese Church Voices

Do Chinese Men and Women Deserve Each Other?

Chinese young people are no different from their counterparts anywhere in the world in that a main question they face is the one of whom to marry. China’s rise and modernization has, in some ways, made this a more complicated question as ideas about marriage and qualifications for a spouse have evolved.

Chinese Church Voices

Single Christians and Love

The Cost and Consequences of Adultery

Changes in Chinese society in recent years have brought changes in the notions of morality and sexual purity. These changes are also being felt within the Church as Christians (as they do elsewhere) struggle to reconcile their beliefs and values with the messages from pop culture. This article in the Christian Times addresses this issue.