Tag: Podcast
Resource Corner
Further Reading and Listening on the Diaspora and Missions
Get more context for the Chinese diaspora experience with our list of podcasts, recorded lectures, websites, and reading material.
What We’re Listening To—Summer 2023
Check out our podcast recommendations for summer road trips and relaxation.
3 Questions: Songs from the Heart
An interview with theologian and composer Scott Callaham.
Common Sense, Nonsense, and CantoSense
A ChinaSource Conversation
Answering the question "Can we be fully Chinese and fully Christian" with a resounding Yes!
Fully Chinese and Fully Christian
A Conversation with the Hosts of CantoSense
Join Joann Pittman in a conversation with Hannah Lau and I’Ching Thomas about their new video podcast CantoSense.
A Few Good Podcasts
What better way to enjoy autumn than listening to a China-related podcast?
China’s Social Credit System: Less Than Meets the Eye?
Understanding and evaluating the social credit system.
China’s Next Big Thing
China is complicated. Good questions about China beget more questions. Sorting out the complexity is not easy, but for someone wanting to get a handle on the key trends shaping China and impacting China’s church, this podcast is a great place to start.