Tag: Pentecostal
Summer 2024 Reading Recommendations
Looking for a good end-of-summer book? Check out this roundup of the book reviews we’ve done over the last year, from memoir to biography to in-depth history to analysis of the current situation in China.
The Chinese Church Does Missions (1) Within China
ChinaSource Summer School Session 4
Chinese Christians have been active in evangelizing their neighbors and fellow citizens, including ethnic minorities, for decades. In this fourth session of ChinaSource Summer School, we have rounded up a collection of articles, including case studies, theological meditations, and missiological analysis.
Reflecting on the Pentecostal Church in China
A Co-Worker Responds to the 2023 Summer Issue of CSQ
I am truly grateful to China Source and to guest editor Robert Menzies and his fellow contributors for the 2023 summer issue of the ChinaSource Quarterly that focused on the Pentecostal church in China.
Expecting Great Things from God
A Chinese Couple’s Testimony
Over the past twelve years, my wife and I have been faithful in carrying out the great commission with the great commandment in our hearts. As a result of exercising our faith in his promises and our willingness to pay the price to win souls for Jesus, the Lord has favored us with fire, force, and much lasting fruit.
A Strong Foundation: Pentecostal Revival in Yunnan Province
Beginning in 1993 and running into the first decade of the twenty-first century many other Pentecostal believers in the villages of Wu Ding County left their TSPM churches and established their own Pentecostal house churches due to opposition. Now there are over 40 Pentecostal churches in Wu Ding that network together.