Tag: Peking University
Guided by the Divine in the Shadowed Valley
Chosen by God after the Social Tragedy
God finally led me through his gates and into his courts, where I came to understand that he is not only the answer to the social issues I sought to resolve but also my personal Savior, my eternal Father in heaven, my dearest friend in spirit, and I, his beloved child.
One Who Waited for “Godot” but Found God
The next year went as hoped. I entered Peking University, and my father’s dreams were fulfilled. But the excitement was short-lived. Very quickly, my heart was restless again: What should my next step be? Take classes, join student organizations, make friends. . . My heart felt hollow.
God’s Grace in the Life of a Peking University Grad
Through a period of increased study and consideration, and through joining fellowships and studying the Bible, I came to conclude that “the world was created” was the most reasonable answer to be found. I could no longer deny God’s existence.
The Testimony of a Third Generation Believer at Peking University
I was born into a Christian family, but that did not mean that I naturally believed in God.
The Faith of One Who Grew up at Peking University
My relationship with Peking University began with my parents. . . . I was born at the university’s school hospital and grew up attending the university’s affiliated preschool, elementary school, and high school. Then in 1992, I received a recommendation to attend Peking University and later became a student of chemistry at the school.
The Unexpected Journey of a University Student
Alone, wretched, and bewildered, I was unaware that God was softening my hard heart in this time of darkness, and he was quietly opening a door to eternal happiness.