Tag: NGO

Blog Entries

Extending Blessings

Leveraging Proper Channels for Impact

When the officials find that the service satisfies their interest, they would even introduce us to connect with some other channels which we can leverage to multiply our impact.

Blog Entries

Building Shalom Even in Adversity

It is our responsibility to actively seek the opportunities for building shalom and to pray earnestly for the authorities until we see the alternative doors opened for holistically blessing the people in China.

Blog Entries

Navigating Faith and Governance

Lessons from Daniel for Modern Non-Profits in China

Daniel's wholehearted sincerity and purity made him distinguishable among all officials. This purity of Christ's love in our hearts can also make our non-profit organizations stand out, even under governmental restrictions.

Blog Entries

China’s NGO Policy: Iron Cage or Ladder to Success?

Rather than seeing government regulations as a constraint, the authors urged NGO leaders to take these regulations as a guide on their journey toward greater opportunities.

Supporting Article

Chinese Christian Nonprofits and Reshaping Perceptions of Evangelism

Since Chinese Christians see evangelism as their most important mission, the author explores the evolving relationship between nonprofits and evangelism, as well as the significant impact on theology and practice that nonprofits can make.

Blog Entries

China Development Brief Is Surveying Foreign NGOs

Seeking to understand the effects of the overseas NGO law.

View From the Wall

Opportunities and Challenges When Foreign Workers Leave China

A Chinese author reflects on the positives and negatives that leaders, seminaries, and churches face when cross-cultural workers leave the country.

Blog Entries

The Overseas NGO Law: A Second Look

Following a rather chaotic start, the process of registering foreign entities under the Overseas NGO (ONGO) Law is getting underway, albeit slowly.

Blog Entries

The Overseas NGO Law: A Game-Changer?

What are people saying about China's new Overseas NGO Law?

The Lantern

New Resource: ChinaSource Law and Policy Monitor

In response to the uncertainties resulting from China's new Overseas NGO Law, we've created the ChinaSource Law and Policy Monitor.  Here we introduce this new service and explain how organizations can sample the Monitor while helping ChinaSource in its efforts to understand how the law is impacting those who serve.