Tag: Missionary Calling
Crossing Cultures: Missio Dei and Missionary Formation
The God of mission has a church, a people he shapes and sends in collaboration with missio dei. God himself accomplishes missionary formation through a series of shaping events that unfold over a lifetime.
New Wine Means New Wineskins
We serve an unchanging God whose heart for the nations is unquenchable. New wine needs new wineskins. I encourage my fellow workers to prayerfully consider what these changes mean for…future work among the Chinese people, and to prepare [for] the new roles God has prepared for us.
Towards the Mobilization of Chinese Cross-Cultural Workers
A new paper available in ResearchShare on calling, vocation, and spiritual formation as it relates to Chinese Christians in mission service and the churches that send them.
Recovering Missions for Our Churches
Church leaders first need to learn to see missions as organic to their fellowship’s identity in this world…. Cross-cultural workers need to recognize and embrace their role as messengers to their home churches…committing more time and energy to communicating well with their supporters back home.
Supporting Article
China Never Left Us
A campus ministry worker shares how, after living in China and heeding God’s call, he and his wife began a ministry during the COVID-19 pandemic that provides opportunities for Chinese students studying in the US to experience local places and connect with local people.
The Key to Chinese Missionary Service—Calling
The Chinese church is vibrant and has growing passion to participate in missionary sending through undertakings like the Back to Jerusalem (BTJ) movement and the Indigenous Mission Movement from China (IMM China). Chinese Christians feel God calling them to long-term mission service. The principal factor encouraging them to long-term sustainable service is calling.
Chinese Missionary Call
Exploring the Foundations of the Chinese Missionary Undertaking
Understanding Chinese missionary perspectives on calling enables a clearer view of the foundations of the Chinese missionary undertaking. The Chinese missionary call is deeply rooted in a personal relationship with God. Despite personal loss or suffering, Chinese missionaries experience a joy that is centered in knowing Christ.
A Chinese Missionary to Nepal (Part 2)
Earlier this month we posted the first part of an article from Territory about a Chinese missionary’s call to Nepal. The first part of the article discussed the author’s struggles amid social pressures in China. As the Chinese church increasingly looks outside of China’s borders to engage in ministry this article provides insight into what factored into one Chinese missionary’s call to foreign missions. This week in part two we see how his struggles influenced his call to ministry, as well as the lessons he learned about foreign missions and about himself while in Nepal.