Tag: Honor and Shame
Public Lecture: Honor and Shame
Salvation in a Chinese Context
Brad Vaughn will give a lecture called, “Salvation in a Chinese Context” on November 11 in Berkeley, CA. Register to attend in person or to receive a link to the recording!
Honor-Shame Culture and Its Impact on Chinese Missionary Retention and Attrition
A paper considering several Chinese honor-shame cultural constructs that could potentially encourage retention and avoid premature and preventable missionary attrition of Chinese cross-cultural workers.
Free Webinar: “Confucian Shame in Christian Thinking”
Exploring the diverse ways that honor and shame affect our moral decision making as well as Paul’s use of these ideas within his letters.
Confucian Shame in Christian Thinking
For Confucian thinkers, shame is an essential element required for moral development. This understanding is foreign to most Westerners. Yet, does shame have a place in Christian theology? Is it something to get rid of or might it have a role in shaping our character?
This webinar explores the diverse ways that honor and shame affect our moral decision making as well as Paul’s use of these ideas within his letters.