Tag: Hong Kong
Guided by the Divine in the Shadowed Valley
Chosen by God after the Social Tragedy
God finally led me through his gates and into his courts, where I came to understand that he is not only the answer to the social issues I sought to resolve but also my personal Savior, my eternal Father in heaven, my dearest friend in spirit, and I, his beloved child.
When God Calls Us to Stay
Embracing God's Call as a Pastor in Hong Kong
Even before the civil unrest and the pandemic, Hong Kong was already known for its sky-high housing prices and tough conditions for raising kids. Still, God guided us on a journey of grace and reconciliation, calling us to stay and serve his church.
Hearing from China’s Church
A Look Back
While hearing from the church in China is undoubtedly more difficult than it was even 10 years ago, God is still creating unexpected channels that connect believers the world over.
Navigating Faith and Governance
Lessons from Daniel for Modern Non-Profits in China
Daniel's wholehearted sincerity and purity made him distinguishable among all officials. This purity of Christ's love in our hearts can also make our non-profit organizations stand out, even under governmental restrictions.
How Hong Kong Immigrants and UK Churches Are Working Together
The arrival of so many new immigrants [from Hong Kong] in a short period of time has presented both local and Chinese churches in the UK with some unique opportunities and challenges. Zipporah, a student at Singapore Bible College, conducted research into this situation for a class on mission research.
The Role of the UK Churches During the Acculturation of Hong Kong Immigrants in the United Kingdom
The arrival of so many new immigrants [from Hong Kong] in a short period of time has presented both local and Chinese churches in the UK with some unique opportunities and challenges. Zipporah, a student at Singapore Bible College, conducted research into this situation for a class on mission research.
Resilience and Renewal
The Shifting Landscape of Hong Kong's Church
The topic of church development must be considered in the spirit of John the Baptist's words, "He must increase, I must decrease." We must recognize that what needs to be developed is the universal church as part of the kingdom movement, not a specific local church or organization.
The Appeal of the Pentecostal Movement in Hong Kong
The Kaleidoscopic City: A Book Review
Mayfield highlights…the essential continuity that bound the early Pentecostal missionaries together with their evangelical contemporaries; the way in which the “heat and noise” of Pentecostal worship, which often repelled Europeans, actually served to attract the Chinese masses; and the strategic role that women played in the founding of Pentecostal churches.
An Alternative to Being Marginalized
An outreach approach acceptable to the government and public interest will be a solution. The police can block a venue, but charity, merciful actions, and care for neighbors can gain societal support.
The Transformation of Overseas Chinese Churches: “Three Highs and One Low”
Overseas Chinese churches need to equip immigrant congregations to become people on the move, learn to grow and blend together in mixed groups, achieve cross-cultural missions together, and establish gospel partner relationships with other churches, instead of going it alone.