Tag: Haidian Church
China Is Complicated
Anyone who hangs around me even a little has heard me say, in response to almost any question about China, “It’s complicated.”
Merry Christmas!
The ChinaSource Team would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. As you celebrate this joyous season, please remember to pray for Christians in China who will be using the holiday to share the gospel with their family and friends.
Haidian Christmas Tree
If you happen to find yourself in Beijing this Christmas, be sure to stop by the Haidian Christian Church to see the Christmas Tree in the square in front of the church. This is a report from Gospel Times about the lighting of the tree.
Baptism Questions
Most Three-Self churches in China conduct baptism services on Easter Sunday each year. In this translated article from the Gospel Times, the writer shares questions that the pastors at two large churches in China ask of each person being baptized.
Proclaim the Gospel; Talk about Mary
This is a translation of a sermon preached in a Three-Self Church in Beijing.
Video: What is Christmas and Who is Jesus (update)
An update from the last post.
Video: What is Christmas and Who is Jesus?
In 2008, members of the English fellowship of Haidian Christian Church in Beijing did a series of "man on the street" interviews, asking people what they knew about Christmas and Jesus. The video was then used in their Christmas program at the church. Christmas may be popular in China, but most people still don't have any idea what it is really all about.
BSF Launches Program at Haidian Church and Fengtai Church in Beijing
This article from the Gospel Times website in October of 2011 is about the launch of BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) in Beijing.