Tag: Great Commission
What’s the Finish Line of the Great Commission?
The finish line of the Great Commission is not merely evangelism or church planting; it is to bring about the obedience of faith among all peoples, resulting in healthy, biblical, local churches that display the glory of Christ in their communities and beyond.
From Confucian Scholar to a Servant of Christ
Jesus became real and trustworthy, not just a man anymore, but God in the flesh. However, the burden of sin, the condemnation of conscience, and the bondage of opium addiction became increasingly difficult for him to overcome.
A Beijing Pastor Reflects on Running, Staying, and Returning
Ultimately, all instances of running, staying, and returning are in God's hands. It's crucial to understand God's will, have a clear heavenly vision, and discern the mysteries behind our circumstances. Whether we choose running, staying, or returning, we should choose the path of death on the cross.
The Next Decade of the Church in China
Pastor Li…shared his reflections on…Christianity in China…as well as his outlook and predictions for the next decade. He believes that Chinese Christianity is transitioning from a growth period to a bottleneck period …the next long phase will be one of consolidation, with the cultivation and nurturing of excellent church talent being a key priority.
Crossing Cultures: The Promise and the Blessing
As with Abram, so with us: we are the beneficiaries of that promise and blessing. We are invited to leave, to go, to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth with Jesus Christ, the living image of our living God. Going includes learning to minister cross-culturally. That is our blessing, our calling, our mission.
Sharing the Gospel: Franchise or Indigenization?
Nothing succeeds like success, and many Christian ministries have adopted a franchise-like pattern based on a founder’s compelling vision facilitated by a highly structured and quality-controlled delivery system…[But] can the gospel be franchised? I think not.
Book Reviews
The Chinese Church in Transition
Navigating Mission in the Diaspora
This book showcases mission attitudes and activities among Chinese churches in the US. The detailed data provide in-depth explanations that simultaneously confirm the impression of a same-ethnicity focus in mission while offering more nuanced reasons why such a focus can be advantageous.
Just Listen
“If the… global body of Christ can be there and say, ‘We are together here with you. I have my struggles, and you have your struggles, but we are together, praying to God together and seeking his guidance and help together,’…that can be very comforting and can be an encouragement.”
ChinaSource Perspective
Learning about Global Digital Culture
Despite all the regulations and restrictions that the Chinese government puts in place to limit religious content on the internet, digital evangelism is alive and well and bearing fruit. The articles in this issue focus on what God is doing through digital engagement, not on what the Chinese government tries to prevent.
5 Theological Truths and Church-State Relations (2)
Lessons from China
How will we react to attempts to divide us along socio-economic, racial, ideological, or nationalistic lines? Will we quietly acquiesce and accept a church that is not really whole?