Tag: Ecclesiology
Twenty Quotes from Faithful Disobedience
Wang Yi said, “We have an opportunity to demonstrate to society what the church is; why spiritual authority should not be in the hands of those who wield the sword; why we can…endure external governance but cannot allow our faith, worship, teaching, …and members to come under the state’s review and control.”
Reckoning with the “Ecclesial Diversity” of Chinese Christianity
Christianity in China and the global diaspora have taken on new layers of complexity, crossing many traditional boundaries. One of the editors of a new book on the subject reflects on what this means for the study of and working relationships in the Chinese church.
Returning Home—The Chinese Church in Transition
Many Chinese believers enter the church at times of personal crisis. Financial troubles, broken relationships, health emergencies—real world trials often reveal to Chinese people the fractured nature of their safety nets, as friends, family, and the state fail to provide them with what they need. These moments of brokenness can be used by God to open people’s hearts to their own weakness and God’s strength.
The Future of the House Church
Above all, church development is not about how we feel, or how difficult it is. It is about fulfilling the Great Commission.
Weathering the COVID Storm
Insights from a conversation about the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the church in China.
The Kingship of Christ
Looking at the boundary of church and state from this perspective, the church holds fast to its heavenly citizenship in a prominent manner, but holds fast to its outward rights in an inconspicuous manner.
The Nature of the Church
"I agree with the principle of separation of church and state. However, this is simply a concept. It is not sufficient to help us face complicated church-state relationships. We must carefully, diligently study the Bible. How is the church to exist in this world?"
Reflections from a Reformed Perspective on the Challenges Faced by the Church in China
Three challenges facing the church in China.
Book Reviews
Ecclesiology, History, and the Identity of the Chinese Church
A Book Review
Using a historical approach, this book looks at the early stages of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) and Chinese Protestant Christians’ responses to changing church-state relations from 1949-1958. The author proposes that to understand the conflicts between the early stages of TSPM and the Chinese church leaders, theology and Christian identity are significant factors. This work provides valuable insights to keep in mind while studying the history of Chinese Christianity.