Tag: Ebook

Resource Corner

A ChinaSource Ebook Publication

This publication is a collection of selected essays written by Huo Shui over the years and previously published in ChinaSource Quarterly.

Blog Entries

New Ebook: View from the Wall

A new resource from ChinaSource for anyone interested in ministry in China or to the Chinese diaspora.


View from the Wall

Essays on a Changing China

The essays in this ebook, written by a Chinese scholar, were originally published in the ChinaSource Quarterly. Writing from a sociological perspective, Hou Shui offers a unique perspective on the church in China and its role in society, as well as its relationship to the party-state.

Blog Entries

Free eBook: 7 Trends Impacting Foreigners in China

If you are serving in China, or making plans to do so, this is definitely something you will want to read.