Tag: Discipleship
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From Beersheba Back to Haran
Reflections on Christian Returnees
Jesus Christ is the true hope of Christian returnees who have experienced loneliness, who have struggled to save themselves, and who have faced disappointments and despair.
Crossing Cultures: Missio Dei and Missionary Formation
The God of mission has a church, a people he shapes and sends in collaboration with missio dei. God himself accomplishes missionary formation through a series of shaping events that unfold over a lifetime.
Reassessing Digital Engagement, Part III
Can some information regarding Jesus, the gospel, and life-with-God be communicated through digital means? Yes, absolutely. But discipleship is the transformation of a person into Christ’s likeness, and the normal, everyday means of that happening is people in vital, real (as opposed to virtual), personal relationships with one another.
Reassessing Digital Engagement, Part I
Lest readers…brand me as a Luddite, I do believe there are good uses to newly developed digital technology, and some of the best uses are for information transfer, some forms of education…and establishing relationships in new geographical contexts where they might otherwise be difficult to find.
Supporting Article
Engaging the Highly Mobile Generation of Chinese Intellectuals
AFC adopted an innovative ministry model that focuses on supporting micro-communities, which reflect the highly mobile character of overseas Chinese intellectuals….Each micro-community exists to serve actual needs. Collectively, these micro-communities embody the ecosystem of the gospel—the variety of Christian life and the diversity of people groups.
A Sacred Space
What is your inner geography and how is the Spirit of God moving in your life? Spiritual companionship may provide a way forward for transformation from the inside out, leading to a lifegiving path upon which all of us are invited to walk.
What Forms Our Narratives (and Our Hearts)
Rather than skirting uncomfortable China conversations, leaning into the narratives by which evangelicals seek to make sense of China and its church can uncover the biases and cultural assumptions standing in the way of a more authentic understanding of what it means to be citizens of God’s kingdom.
Training Disciples in China
I believe that the present-day pastor needs to demonstrate that he is a disciple of Christ by living a real life in a real way, and making sure other people can see that lifestyle, providing an example that believers can refer to, imitate, and follow.
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Recent Student Ministry in China
Adapting to Present Realities
Chen gives us a look at the past 30 years or so of student ministry in mainland China. He explains the various groups, churches, and agencies that have been involved with campus ministries and other venues.
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Ministry Among Minority Students
This article addresses the joys, challenges, and frustrations of reaching students from ethnic minority groups in China.