Tag: Christians in China

Chinese Church Voices

Keep Praying for MH

On July 17, a Malaysian Airlines flight travelling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot out of the skies over eastern Ukraine. 298 souls perished. In the days following, many Christians took to Weibo to express their condolences. We have translated a few of those posts below.

Chinese Church Voices

A Book on Drums and Worship

As the church in China continues to grow and mature, one of the issues that is coming to the fore is that of music. Until recently, much of the music played and sung in Chinese churches has been on the traditional side translated western hymns or indigenous folk-style music (popular in rural churches). Only in the past few years have we seen the emergence of what might be described as Christian Contemporary Music, popular, as one might expect, among the younger generation, particularly in the cities.

Chinese Church Voices

Caring for Elderly Parents

China is facing some unique demographic challenges, not the least of which is an aging population. Currently, roughly 8% of the population is 65 or older. However, according to a report by the BBC, that number is expected to be 12% by 2020, and 26% by 2050.

Chinese Church Voices

A University Student Reflects on Faith

The website Xuanjiao Zhongguo (Missions China) recently ran a post written by a university student in China, sharing his/her reflections on faith in modern China.

Chinese Church Voices

Ten Reasons I am a Christian

A Chinese Christian blogger offers ten reasons for being a Christian.

Chinese Church Voices

Filial Piety: A Christian Perspective

A Chinese Christian blogger explores the similarities and differences between the Chinese concept of filial piety and the Biblical teaching to honor one's parents.

Chinese Church Voices

Christians Go Online to Comment on the Kunming Massacre

Chinese Christians offer their thoughts on the Kunming knife massacre. 

Chinese Church Voices

Speed Skating Coach Li Yan Talks about the Bible

The most successful short track speed skating coach in the world is Li Yan. She is also a Christian. The Christian Times reports on the importance of faith in her life.

Chinese Church Voices

Chinese Christian Dating Sites

A look at 7 dating sites for Christians in China. 

Chinese Church Voices

Reflections on Growing Up in China

A Chinese Christian reflects on his father's and his own youth, and looks ahead to the future of his young son.