Tag: Christian Life

Blog Entries

Can Others Tell?

As Chinese New Year approaches, Barbara Kindschi shares memories of holidays in China from years past and invites us to remember our Chinese brothers and sisters in prayer, using some recent ChinaSource articles as guides.

Blog Entries

Let Go

Let Go is to ultimately “let God;” becoming vulnerable and humble… By naming or giving shape to things that we need to let go of—pain, disappointment, offense, trauma, broken dreams, or unhealthy relationships, we are able to make decisions to detach ourselves from them, creating space for healing, forgiveness, growth, and freedom.

Blog Entries


In the midst of endless pain and suffering in a world filled with conflict and destruction, we can easily feel disoriented and distressed, losing sight of people and hope for the future…. It is a good reminder that [Christ]… became “nobody” for our sake in order to demonstrate that everyone is “somebody” in the eyes of God.

Chinese Church Voices

Sacrificial Love in Action

My Church's Response to the Zero-Covid Policy Change

“The abrupt change in China's zero-covid policy allowed our congregation to live out God's love. In the face of sickness and scarcity, we supported each other sacrificially,” writes a Chinese believer. In the face of medication shortages and sick children, the church family pulled together to share what they had.

Blog Entries

God at Work During 3 Years of Isolation

Life in China under the strict zero-covid policy was difficult for many, especially believers who were unable to gather for worship. Nevertheless, God was still at work. Over the next few weeks, we’ll hear from Chinese believers answering the question, “During the three years of covid isolation and restrictions, how did you see God at work in your [communities]?”

Blog Entries

Easter and Unity

How important unity must be for Jesus, that right before he was arrested, before he faced the suffering on the cross—at that moment, he did not refer to the horrible suffering which was to come. Rather he was thinking about the issue of unity.

Blog Entries

Who Moved My Church?

The key to the Western church’s ongoing effectiveness may well be its ability to learn from majority world believers, many of whom have experience in living out their faith in the face of political and cultural restrictions.

Blog Entries

Peacemaking in China


People shared their conflict stories, how they viewed face issues (saving, giving, and losing face), the hindering impact of face on reconciliation, and how God enabled them to set aside face to apologize and forgive…They have demonstrated that conflict resolution and relational restoration in face-saving cultures is possible!

Blog Entries

Bonhoeffer: An Exemplar for Facing Challenges

A Chinese professor has seen the glory of God in his own life; he will not be able to ignore God when he returns to teach in China. He knows this will introduce him to dilemmas requiring courage. “Will I have the courage?” he wonders.

Blog Entries

Capturing Chinese Stories

What if the flow of Christian resources, theology, leadership, and insight is also turning, such that the Chinese church has a fresh opportunity to serve at the forefront of these things and the church in the West can listen and glean and learn from the faithful in China?