Tag: Chinese Theology
A New Dawn for Chinese Theology: The Inauguration of the IASCC and the Biola Research Initiative for Chinese Theology
On November 14, 2024, nearly 200 Chinese pastors, church leaders, theologians, and educators from around the world gathered at the picturesque Biola University. Together, they celebrated the historic establishment of the Institute for Advanced Studies of Chinese Christianity (IASCC) and the Biola Research Initiative for Chinese Theology.
The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind and Chinese Christianity
Without a thorough understanding of American evangelicalism and how it was conceived within a specific historical context, Chinese Christianity could be prone to "imitating blindly," which could lead to "maladjustment" and "malnutrition," hindering its healthy growth and development in the future.
Book Reviews
Chinese Theology for English-Language Readers
A review of A Reader in Chinese Theology edited by Chloë Starr, the best reader on Chinese theology available in English.
Looking Forward with Concern and Hope
A Preview of the 2023 Spring ChinaSource Quarterly
The 2023 spring issue of the ChinaSource Quarterly comes out next week. Here’s a sneak peek from the guest editor.
Examining Patterns in Chinese Religiosity
Reflecting on “Chinese Christianity in the Modern Era” (2)
Chinese religiosity’s orientation toward cultivating the goodness of human nature in the everyday, societal, and cosmic spheres of life can be found in the diverse threads that make up modern Chinese Christian movements.
A Lived Theology Approach to “Seeing” the Chinese Church
Reflecting on “Chinese Christianity in the Modern Era” (1)
To begin this reflective series based on the webinar, “Chinese Christianity in the Modern Era," we consider what it means to see the whole of the Chinese church and what theological lenses are needed to make sense of what we see.
Book Review: Faith in the Wilderness
Words of Exhortation from the Chinese Church
In this collection of nine meditations from modern Chinese pastors, editors Hannah Nation and Simon Liu invite the reader to “hear something about walking with Jesus that we have been missing.”
Webinar Recording: Christian Theology in a Chinese Idiom
The recording of our recent lecture is now available along with additional resources.
Resource Corner
The Collected Works of Watchman Nee
The books, articles, and sermons of Watchman Nee are available online in both Chinese and English.