Tag: ChinaSource Quarterly
Reassessing Digital Engagement, Part I
Lest readers…brand me as a Luddite, I do believe there are good uses to newly developed digital technology, and some of the best uses are for information transfer, some forms of education…and establishing relationships in new geographical contexts where they might otherwise be difficult to find.
Christian Evangelism in the Digital Age
Preview of the Autumn 2023 CSQ
What is the best way for Christians to engage others online? What tools are available to help spread the gospel effectively? The guest editors of the upcoming ChinaSource Quarterly attempt to answer these questions and give readers a taste of what’s to come.
A Deserved Hearing
A Reader Responds to the Summer 2023 CSQ
As I read through the various submissions [in the summer 2023 CSQ], I realized that the topic of the Pentecostal church in China cannot be ignored, should be explored and could be instructive.
The Holy Spirit at Work in China’s Churches
Reflections on the 2023 Summer CSQ
Entrusting the development of Christianity in China entirely to Almighty God and following his will alone in leading Chinese Christians in the twenty-first century is undoubtedly the most important path to experiencing the work of the Holy Spirit.
Reflecting on the Pentecostal Church in China
A Co-Worker Responds to the 2023 Summer Issue of CSQ
I am truly grateful to China Source and to guest editor Robert Menzies and his fellow contributors for the 2023 summer issue of the ChinaSource Quarterly that focused on the Pentecostal church in China.
Expecting Great Things from God
A Chinese Couple’s Testimony
Over the past twelve years, my wife and I have been faithful in carrying out the great commission with the great commandment in our hearts. As a result of exercising our faith in his promises and our willingness to pay the price to win souls for Jesus, the Lord has favored us with fire, force, and much lasting fruit.
New Wine Means New Wineskins
We serve an unchanging God whose heart for the nations is unquenchable. New wine needs new wineskins. I encourage my fellow workers to prayerfully consider what these changes mean for…future work among the Chinese people, and to prepare [for] the new roles God has prepared for us.
Being a Family in China’s New Era
An interview with a Christian family navigating the changes and challenges of China today.
Looking Forward with Concern and Hope
A Preview of the 2023 Spring ChinaSource Quarterly
The 2023 spring issue of the ChinaSource Quarterly comes out next week. Here’s a sneak peek from the guest editor.
Pressure on the Church, Pressure on the Party
A Reader Responds to the 2022 Winter CSQ
When pressure comes, Christians generally respond in one of three ways: fight, flight, or somewhere in the middle…. When praying for the Chinese church, we must not fail to pray...for the unity of Christians under pressure.