Tag: Charismatic
The Holy Spirit at Work in China’s Churches
Reflections on the 2023 Summer CSQ
Entrusting the development of Christianity in China entirely to Almighty God and following his will alone in leading Chinese Christians in the twenty-first century is undoubtedly the most important path to experiencing the work of the Holy Spirit.
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Spirit-Empowered Chinese House Churches (2)
Urban Revival
Liu tells us about Mission China 2030, revival, spiritual gifts, Chinese houses of prayer, and persecution among China’s urban house churches during recent years.
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Yan’s Conversion and Pentecostal Experience
Sister Yan recounts how she became a believer in Christ, sought and experienced speaking in tongues, was enabled by the Holy Spirit to minister for Christ, and faced persecution.
View From the Wall
Pastoring a Charismatic Church in Shanghai
Pastor Cui shares how his church has dealt with a growing congregation and the need for room by adopting a “big church, small congregations” model. He explains this concept and details the benefits this model has brought to the church, the pastors, and the congregations.