Tag: Bishop Ding Guagxun (K. H. Ting)
Creating a Truly Chinese Church
A truly “Christian” Chinese church will not only be thoroughly enculturated, but it will also retain the entire “rule of faith” shared by the rest of the universal church. Finally, Chinese Christians, knowing they are part of the universal church, will continue to seek to share the joys and trials of the indigenous churches of all other cultures. Such a church would be biblical, God-pleasing, and truly Chinese.
View From the Wall
Converging Agendas
Religion, Socialism, and Theological Construction
At first glance the theological debate occurring within China’s official church may appear to be primarily a matter of disagreement over doctrine. However, as with most everything in China, there is also a political side to be considered. It is important to understand this political angle in order to keep the theological debate—and its effect upon the church—in proper perspective.
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The Roots of Bishop K.H. Ting’s Theology
The 1930s up to the Cultural Revolution
The last year has seen the promotion by Bishop K. H. Ting (Ding Guangxin), former head of both the China Christian Council (CCC) and the Three Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM), of a campaign for “theological construction” that is “compatible with socialism.” To understand this current movement we look back at Bishop Ting's early life and work.
Supporting Article
Into the Future
Ding’s Theology and China’s Church
Why one evangelical worker in China thinks the themes brought out in Bishop Ding's book Love Never Ends deserve serious consideration by those who are concerned about the state of Christianity in China.