Tag: Bibles

Blog Entries

The Last Mile

Navigating the Challenges of Chinese Bible Engagement

As the old Chinese saying goes: "The final mile counts for half the journey. Without it, the previous ninety-nine are wasted" (行百里路者半九十). Fully engaging with the Bible, transforming life, resembles a long and arduous road.

Chinese Church Voices

The Light of the Bible

My Reflection on the Influence of the Bible on China

A group of devout Christians, who lived out the Bible's teachings, made its words come alive—tangible, and visible. As I was influenced by them, I began to experience joy, gradually transforming from a person prone to anxiety and worry to one filled with hope.

Blog Entries

Can I Still Get a Bible in China?

Answering Common Questions

Since the Bible does not have a government-issued ISBN, they can only be sold legally in churches and bookstores affiliated with the [registered church] … “The process of printing and distributing Bibles is a regulated and systematic procedure that begins with an annual assessment by the [registered church] of the demand for Bibles. The proposed quantity is then submitted…for approval.”

Blog Entries

J.O. Fraser and the Making of the Lisu Bible

Fraser’s most acclaimed contribution to missions is his translation of the Bible and Christian hymns into the Lisu language. When he first met the Lisu people in Tengyueh, they had no written language of their own. After Fraser learned to speak the language, he began to translate the Bible into Lisu.

Blog Entries

Meet the Translators of the Chinese Bible

Chinese Bible translations were often the result of years of diligence, at times division, and significant group work. While Westerners often numerically dominated the projects mentioned above, Chinese Christians also played a role.

Blog Entries

God Continues to Speak Tibetan

Throughout the work of the NTB, the Holy Spirit showed up time and time again by giving the translators “lexical surprises.” God gave words to express the Bible message, surprising words that were embedded in the language and waiting for discovery by the translators.

Supporting Article

Pentecost in China (2)

Church Growth in the “New China” Era

Balcombe brings us into the present by telling us about the Pentecostal church at the end of the Cultural Revolution and on through the years to its present situation.

Blog Entries

On Being Present for Hungry Hearts

[The young man] said that about a third of his contemporaries were interested in anything to do with the West, a third were staying with the Party to make sure of a stable future in China and a third, in his words, were “looking for God.”

Blog Entries

The Translation of the Bible into Chinese

A Book Review

Reading Peng’s book, alongside the research of many other scholars of the Chinese Bible, reminds China workers today of the very real merits of the Union translation as well as its prominence within the Chinese church.

Blog Entries

Where to Get a Bible in China

Printed and electronic versions are available, but where?