Tag: Bible Study
Reading Romans through Eastern Eyes
Honor and Shame in Paul’s Message and Mission
Combining research from Asian scholars with his many years of experience living and working in East Asia, Jackson directs our attention to Paul's letter to the Romans. He argues that some traditional East Asian cultural values are closer to those of the first-century biblical world than common Western cultural values. In addition, he adds his voice to the scholarship engaging the values of honor and shame in particular and their influence on biblical interpretation.
Life in Motion
A Resource for Those in Transition
A ten-week Bible study that encourages the internationally mobile to turn to see what the Bible says about transition.
A Tool for Studying the Chinese Bible
A helpful reference work for those called to dig deeper into God's word in a Chinese context.
3 Observations from Teaching Biblical Interpretation
For many international organizations working in China, the transition to local leadership can be a challenging one. In particular, it is not always easy to achieve high levels of spiritual formation when many local leaders are either first generation believers or fairly recent converts.
Going Deeper
Serious Tools for Serious Study
Since returning to China after an absence of several years, one of the things that has most impressed me has been the increase in availability of high quality reference tools for serious Bible study in Chinese.