How Should We Care for Orphans in China?
Adoption—a foundational metaphor of the Christian faith and a challenging topic in the world, especially when intertwined with China’s one-child policy era, international complications, and issues of identity for adoptees. In this collection from the archives, we’ve pulled together reflections, book reviews, and analysis to open up our perspective on adoption from China.
In the HIV Medical System
Having finally gotten into the medical system and now on their way toward treatment, Beth and her family journeyed further into the shame, ignorance, and difficulties hiding those living with HIV in China.
Living with HIV in China
Our journey toward treatment and care for our daughter took us under China’s HIV veil.
Finding the One
As we looked at the waitlist and scrolled among the most minuscule of probabilities, we found our precious hidden gem.
Deciding to Adopt a Child with Special Needs
In that providential moment God spoke to me and my husband; we knew we had our answer. He was calling us to adopt a child with HIV.
Peoples of China
A Call to True Worship
HIV/AIDS is devastating many Chinese families. The government response is improving but limited. What can the church do?
Supporting Article
Children, AIDS, and the Church
Children in China are being affected by HIV/AIDS. Their numbers are increasing and the effects are devastating. What is being done to help these children?
Supporting Article
Hope for HIV/AIDS in China
The effect of HIV/AIDS is increasing and is expected to affect 5% of the Chinese population in the next 20 years. What is being done to address the medical issues and the social stigma of this devastating disease? What have Christians dealing with HIV/AIDS in Africa learned that can be applied to the situation in China?