
Blog Entries

《亲子共成长》Growing through Parenting

A New Resource for Chinese Parents

A new book emphasizing the opportunity for parents to grow as they raise their children—to grow and become more like Jesus.

Blog Entries

An Elephant in the Room: Face

In our conflict resolution conversations, conflict coaching, and mediation help, face is sometimes the elephant in the room—if never acknowledged and addressed, reconciliation is hindered. Let’s address the elephant in the room and develop a new God-centered orientation to face.

Blog Entries

Opening the Door to Reconciliation

Those I interviewed in China… expressed repeatedly that holding tight to these unexamined views of themselves and their positions was a big hindrance in reconciling relationships. Yet, as their mindsets shifted, a door to potential reconciliation opened.

Blog Entries

Peacemaking in China


People shared their conflict stories, how they viewed face issues (saving, giving, and losing face), the hindering impact of face on reconciliation, and how God enabled them to set aside face to apologize and forgive…They have demonstrated that conflict resolution and relational restoration in face-saving cultures is possible!

Blog Entries

Enduring Friendship

When our friendship storyline is out of step with the larger cultural narrative, whether in China or in the West, how do we as the body of Christ continue to build bridges of understanding?

Chinese Church Voices

Does Christian Faith Affect Parenting?

An associate researcher in sociology asked the question, “Does Christian Faith Affect the Way of Parenting?" This article from the Christian Times discusses his findings.

Blog Entries

Honoring Mothers—In China

Mother's Day. A good time to celebrate mothers.

Chinese Church Voices

“Forced Marriage” and Spring Festival

A Christian Film Maker Explores the Pressure on Young People

An interview with Christian film maker Geng Haiying about his recently released documentary highlighting the problem of “forced marriages” in Chinese society today.

Chinese Church Voices

Encouragement for Those Contemplating Post-Virus Divorce

China has seen an increase in divorces following the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article the author describes why some of these marriage problems occur, and gives marriage counsel for couples.

Chinese Church Voices

Pastoral Advice for Life’s Dilemmas

After dating my boyfriend for a little while, I’ve slowly realized he isn’t my kind of person. But, because we are both members of Christ’s body, I find it too awkward to initiate a breakup.  . .  .What should I do?