Articles on Outreach

Supporting Article

An African in China

An Interview

Joann Pittman interviews “Tim,” a Zimbabwean student living in China, who shares his observations of similarities and differences between the two countries.


More than a Label

From "Back to Jerusalem" to "Indigenous Mission Movement from China"

Editor's Note: This editorial originally appeared in "China's Indigenous Mission Movement" (CS Quarterly, 2013 Spring).

Peoples of China

Current Needs for Missional China

The role of the church in China as it increasingly becomes a missionary-sending church is explored based on past experiences and lessons learned. The article considers the importance of developing a missionary strategy, providing adequate cross-cultural training that goes beyond the classroom and developing a comprehensive field coordination infrastructure. It also takes a brief look at the church in today's China.

View From the Wall

Warm-hearted; Cool-headed

The author describes, from his observations and experiences, several often overlooked areas in China's early involvement in international missions. These include visa issues, language learning and missionary supervision and care. Prototypes for ministry are also suggested. The writer hopes that the self-reflection and sharing with fellow workers will result in intercessory prayer from members of Christ's Body and in their enlightenment.

Lead Article

The Indigenous Mission Movement from China [1]

A Current Assessment

The traditional definitions of missionary are not adequate for missionaries being sent from China; a new definition is needed due to the unique circumstances involved with those sent from this nation. Following this discussion, the author provides an overview of the current situation surrounding missionaries being sent from China.

Supporting Article

The Indigenous Mission Movement from China [2]

A Historical Review

For more than a century, there have been many indigenous mission movements from China, from Chinese, as well as from Central-coastal China that have experimented with mission endeavors. This article looks briefly at the most important of these undertakings by individuals and by groups.

Supporting Article

Beyond the Books

The Heart of Prefield Mission Training

Some things cannot be learned from books; they must result from the gospel that has been deeply formed in the heart of the individual. The author tells us of a life-changing experience from his past and then identifies the differences between God's servants who trust in "functional saviors" and those who are deeply at rest in what Christ has done for them.

Intercessory Notes

Intercessory Notes

Vol. 19, No. 4

Items that require your intercession.

Book Reviews

The Dragon’s Gift

The Real Story of China in Africa

The reviewer discusses the author's argument that China has created her own path for aid, how this is working in Africa and what it means for the continent.

Peoples of China

Global Snapshots

A Look at the Chinese Diaspora around the World

From New Zealand to Canada, from professionals to laborers, we are given brief glimpses of the third Chinese diaspora in a variety of countries. A number of diaspora workers give us glimpses into the lives of the people they work with and how they are presenting them with the Gospel.