Articles on Church Life

Supporting Article

Three Changes in Urban Churches

The author sees two major categories of urban churches in China that are experiencing transformation and goes on to discuss three main areas where he sees this transformation taking place. Viewing these changes as positive, he also believes they are growing stronger.

Peoples of China

Conversation with a Migrant-Worker Church Minister

An interview by Dr. Mary Ma with the minister of a migrant worker’s urban church which identifies a number of issues characteristic of urban churches comprised of migrant workers from rural areas. These concerns include living conditions, economic status, long work hours, mobility, and other factors that all contribute to the church’s spiritual health and stability.

Supporting Article

Urban Public Space and New Media Ministry

After defining “new media” and what it encompasses, An looks at the various ways the church in China views it, what it means for the church, and how it can affect the church. He then gives some thoughts on how the church should deal with it—not only the challenges it brings, but how it can be used positively.

View From the Wall

Pastoring a Charismatic Church in Shanghai

Pastor Cui shares how his church has dealt with a growing congregation and the need for room by adopting a “big church, small congregations” model. He explains this concept and details the benefits this model has brought to the church, the pastors, and the congregations.

Supporting Article

Pastors Reaching and Ministering to Today’s Generation

How can pastors and church leaders minister to the younger generation at this opportune time? The author discusses five principles that include incarnational love, a compassionate attitude, helping the younger generation grow in godliness, perseverance and depth of character, enabling them to live out the gospel in a practical manner and leading them towards a God-sized vision.


Leading Abundantly

Originally published in 2010 as a three part series, this article challenges leaders to develop greater capacity in three areas where resources are often lacking in ministy.


Three Battles Every Leader Must Win

Originally published in 2009 as a three-part series on leadership development for Christian leaders in China, the author looks at three of the core issues that impact believers who are called to be leaders.

Supporting Article

Healthy Partnering

A Chinese Perspective

A recent and still ongoing ChinaSource survey of Chinese Christians, who have experience in working together with foreign partners, provides insight for those seeking to partner with and serve the church in China.

Supporting Article

Chinese Creating Pastoral Training Tools for China’s Churches: A Case Study

In their desire to create authentic, pastoral training materials, early on this team of foreigners resolved to work toward putting their national staff in posts of increasing influence and authority while they stepped into self-restricted roles of coaching, and eventually, cheering from the stands. The author describes this work which is still in process.

Peoples of China

Engaging a New Generation

The emerging generation of younger leaders in China will require friends, partners and collaborators who will come alongside them with a servant mentality and without agendas.