Blog Entries on Church and Culture

Blog Entries

Reconsidering Traditional Teachings in Difficult Times

Could the entrance of Buddhism into China offer cultural insights on how to share the message of Christ in China today?

Blog Entries

Is Confucianism a Religion or an Ethical System?

The Debate Goes On

In the 17th and 18th centuries there was a dispute between Jesuit and Dominican missionaries in China about whether or not Chinese converts should be allowed to continue practicing traditional rites and ceremonies that were rooted in Confucianism, such as ancestor worship. The Jesuits said they should be allowed; the Dominicans said no.

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We’ve Come this Way Before

Throughout history as various attempts have been made to introduce the gospel to China, a series of “perennial questions” have arisen regarding the relationship between the Christian faith and Chinese culture.

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Relational and Cultural Renewal

Through Acknowledging the Multiformity of the Ru (Confucian) Tradition

Having read Wang Jun’s article “The Preeminence of Love in Chinese Families” in the most recent ChinaSource Quarterly (18.2), “Christian Ethics and Family Living in China,” I would like to respond with a few thoughts that I trust will be helpful, and that might open further dialogue on this important topic.

Blog Entries

Chinese Urban Churches Engaging Culture

As urban churches in China face significant changes in the 21st century, will they effectively engage their own culture and reach out with the gospel cross-culturally?

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Happy New Year


Four Chinese characters to spark meaningful conversations during the Chinese New Year.

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Christmas Crowds in China | Part 3

Crowds of New Believers

In years past I have marveled at the large numbers of people who flow through China’s churches every year at Christmas. I know of one urban church that hosts over 10,000 visitors during its six Christmas services. Each year I see the church building bursting at its seams, bodies crammed along every aisle and stairway. Each year I watch as the area around the church is closed to traffic and swarmed by young people eager to catch a glimpse or hear a word of Christmas—compelled by a sense that Christmas must in some ways must be connected to the church.

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Self-Reliance and the Chinese Male

During a recent conversation with a Chinese friend I listened as he recounted his conversion to Christianity and the difficulty he experienced overcoming his deeply ingrained tendency toward self-reliance.

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Confrontation or Conversation? The Church and Confucianism in China

The Spring 2014 issue of ChinaSource Quarterly takes up the topic of Confucianism'S resurgence in China and its implications for the church. Certainly not a new topic, the relationship between China's dominant worldview and the Christian gospel has been a perennial subject of discussion since at least the days of Matteo Ricci. Successive generations of Christians in China have asked the pertinent questions in different ways, some choosing to find accommodation between the two, while others find them to be mutually exclusive.

Blog Entries

A Conversation: Folk Customs or Pagan Customs?

I recently ran across a post called "Pagan Practice in China's Shanxi Province," which included some intriguing photos of traditional customs.