Christianity in China
Hearing from China’s Church
A Look Back
While hearing from the church in China is undoubtedly more difficult than it was even 10 years ago, God is still creating unexpected channels that connect believers the world over.
Generation to Generation
People have never been so eager to hear about the gospel because their lives and hopes have never been so damped in the past four decades.
A Beijing Pastor Reflects on Running, Staying, and Returning
Ultimately, all instances of running, staying, and returning are in God's hands. It's crucial to understand God's will, have a clear heavenly vision, and discern the mysteries behind our circumstances. Whether we choose running, staying, or returning, we should choose the path of death on the cross.
American Evangelicalism and China: A Necessary Conversation
Addressing his readers in China, Ren Xiaopeng asks, “If American evangelicalism is in such an intellectually vacant state, where would Chinese Christianity, deeply influenced by American evangelicalism and fundamentalism, go next?” Their answer will be critical for the future of the Chinese church—and, if we are willing to listen, for the church in America as well.
The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind and Chinese Christianity
Without a thorough understanding of American evangelicalism and how it was conceived within a specific historical context, Chinese Christianity could be prone to "imitating blindly," which could lead to "maladjustment" and "malnutrition," hindering its healthy growth and development in the future.
The Chinese Bible
History, Challenges, and Recommendations
We can thank God for giving Chinese the Bible in their own language, to strengthen and grow what is now one of the largest Christian churches in the world, and one with the potential to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Where Is the Church in China?
Today it is difficult to talk about the church in China without referencing China’s church outside China. Many leaders operate with one foot on Chinese soil and the other abroad, either by virtue of their frequent international travel or via offshore organizations through which their voices are amplified, making them spokespersons for a movement that transcends China’s borders.
Christianity in Post-Pandemic China
Navigating the Shifting Landscape
Understanding both the registered and unregistered aspects of the church in China provides a more comprehensive picture of the dynamic interplay within the Christian sphere, shedding light on the various challenges and opportunities that each sector encounters.
Book Club: Shanghai Faithful
Join Joann Pittman for an online discussion on Jennifer Lin’s book, Shanghai Faithful: Betrayal and Forgiveness in a Chinese Christian Family.
A Strategy Forged in Bethlehem
Perhaps in the glow of Bethlehem’s star we can begin to see the sheer incongruity of the China narratives we had come to take for granted. The reliance on cultural or political influence, the ability to project power through financial resources, the desire to win, the need to make ourselves relevant—these belie our core identity as followers of Christ…